Categories: Diet

What Makes Us The Best Obesity Clinic In Pune

Obesity clinic in Pune

Over three and half decades ago, as a young doctor, I was absolutely convinced that obesity and its accompanying diseases like various pains, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and strokes and PCOD, miscarriages and infertility amongst ladies were going to spread like wildfire amongst the affluent Indians in decades to come.

And there was hardly any initiative from the medical world towards helping the masses to become aware of these risks, far less make available scientific treatment to fight and prevent obesity.

That was the reason why I set up my pioneering obesity clinic in Pune back in the eighties.

I was the first doctor to set up what then was the novel obesity clinic in Pune or perhaps anywhere else in India, with a full-fledged exercise unit.

I knew that nobody could eat anything other than their own, normal, everyday food for a lifetime, nobody could ‘diet’ all their lives. I knew that diets are temporary and so are their results!

I knew that I had to plan excellent nutrition for people under my care, from their own, normal, everyday food and get them used to exercising regularly and happily to make them slim and healthy for a lifetime!

That is exactly what we put people under my care through, at my well-equipped obesity clinic in Pune. Meeting people every day, understating what they can follow easily and happily to enjoy slimming down without any pressures quickly taught me all I needed to learn to treat Indian people at their homes all over the world, on my consultation based ‘Distance Slimming Program’.

I did exactly that to people under my care and never had a moment to repent. I quickly learned how to manage people on a daily basis as I was meeting and guiding them on a daily basis. I learned very early what suited people and what didn’t. So I could perfect my line of treatment from the start of my practice and we got brilliant results day in day out.

A decade later, my fears about the exponential spread of obesity amongst affluent Indians were coming true and more and more people were falling prey to it and its accompanying diseases mentioned above.

Soon the obesity treatment market became a billion rupee industry in our country and obesity clinics and slimming treatments of various kinds and gyms started mushrooming in Pune and all over India.

But most of these treatments continue to sell people either starvation based diets under one expensive bogus pretext or another or selling them exercises under expensive personal trainers of dubious training and equally expensive protein supplements in posh gyms.

And the self-styled obesity clinics in Pune and everywhere else are selling people the dream of slimming them down effortlessly under magic slimming machines or medicines or magic diets or meal replacement shakes or food packs, under huge publicity.

But all they are really giving people are ill health, injuries, failures, and frustrations!

People frustrated with obesity and its accompanying illnesses continue to fall easy prey to the huge and alluring advertisements of these treatments or gyms and soon get even more frustrated when they experience that they can’t sustain these treatments and regain any lost weight and some more in a short time!

Today Dr. Nitin Gupte Obesity Clinic has inadvertently become the last destination of Indian people who have failed to get slim and healthy in Pune or anywhere else in the world!

And they are immediately surprised to experience a totally new kind of perfectly designed treatment plan in which they eat their own, normal, everyday food, only fine-tuned just a little by me, to make it perfect in terms of nutrition and most often, walk themselves to excellent slimming, health and fitness, very much at their own homes, anywhere in the world, under my daily guidance!

Every minutest detail is planned perfectly, based on the science of health and nutrition that is explained in simple, easy to understand articles on my website and every question that comes to their minds has already been answered hundreds of times before and is also explained in detail on my website, for their ready reference.

It is a very simple treatment, precisely defined and easy to follow, at home, anywhere in the world. And modern-day communication tools have made it very easy for people under my care to report to me daily, their food and water consumption and exercise and for me to guide them daily, based on their reports.

Excellent, precise, easy to follow the treatment plan, daily reporting and advice and constant inspiration make us the best Obesity Clinic based in Pune that is successfully treating Indians all over the world!

Also, read the ‘Testimonials’, ‘Doctors Recommend Us’ and ‘Distance Slimming Program’ link on this website.

Dr. Nitin Gupte:
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