Tag - weight Loss

Children Obesity

Don’t Let Your Children Get Obese During The Lockdown!

Childhood Obesity Is A Serious Health Problem!

According to NDTV, the stats published by the Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, around 5-8.8% of Indian schoolchildren were obese, in 2019. And if the rates increased at a pace like that, 27 million Indian children were expected to be obese by 2030.

But the pandemic will cause a much greater spurt in these figures, especially amongst the urban children from the middle class and upper-class families.

Being locked down at home, young children today are caught up in an unprecedented situation due to the pandemic.

I see many children looking distinctly chubbier on their parent’s DPs in recent days, children who were much slimmer till about six months ago! And I know many of these children personally because the parents are under my care for their own weight and health problems!

Neither the parents nor the schools have experienced anything quite like this before. The parents probably are not even aware of the likely challenges that most of them are going to face in a few more months’ time.

On one hand, the children can’t leave home and all their outdoor sports activities have come to a sudden halt, and on the other hand, their lifestyles have been turned upside down by having to study online and having to do both schoolwork and homework sitting in front of a phone or a laptop.

Being at home twenty-four hours and bored, the children are probably demanding more food, and the parents, also at home, are probably indulging the children more than they would have with the routine of school and sports activities keeping the children busy all day.

Childhood obesity is a serious health problem, don’t let your children get obese during this lockdown!

Preventing it is easier than reversing it, once it sets in!

The main drivers of childhood obesity are unhealthy dietary habits and reduced physical activity.

And, believe me, it is going to be very difficult to get the children to lose weight again, if they become obese now, if and when the life returns to normal post the pandemic. We don’t even know if that is going to happen in the near future or not!

The time is NOW, PREVENT IT NOW!

Many parents could be buying extra supplies of ready snacks like biscuits, chips, and other salted and fried snacks to keep the children fed in between meals. And the children probably eat more of regular food too, as the appetite goes haywire in absence of physical activity.

The sudden change to a sedentary lifestyle and excess and wrong food consumption is going to make the children obese and vulnerable to develop hypertension, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and metabolic syndrome.

All are serious health risks and will predispose the children to heart disease and strokes in later life.

The solution is to make the children exercise at home and eat healthier foods. Replace unhealthy snacks with fruits and make sure not to prepare fried and sweet dishes.

Watch and prevent a sudden increase in food portion sizes during the major meals. Reduce screen time as much as possible.

Involve children in household chores where they get more activity.

If possible, watch their weights regularly and make them conscious of the dangers of childhood obesity.

Also visit ‘Basics Of Nutrition’, ‘Contact Us’, and ‘Distance Program’ pages on this website.

Sagging Skin After Weight Loss!

Tightening Sagging Skin After Weight Loss!

When people lose weight on low calorie, nutritionally imbalanced diets, they always look haggard as the skin wrinkles like old people.

When people lose a lot of weight suddenly, over a short period of time, they develop varying degrees of sagging of skin. When they do so after bariatric surgery or a ‘very low-calorie diet’ (VLCD), nutritionally defined as less than 800 calorie diets, they tend to lose fat and girth quickly and the skin sags a lot, some times so much that the skin around the waist may have to be folded and tucked in, like the folds of a saree!

Such people lose water, glycogen and body proteins from the connective tissue under the skin and from the muscles and finally organs all too quickly. This sudden loss actually causes sagging.

After bariatric surgery, people can hardly eat a few morsels of food before they feel full, and can’t eat anymore. This is the surgical route to a forced starvation based diet.

On starvation based diets under various names, cereals (chapatis, bhakri, rice, bread) and pulses (dals, curries, usual, pithla) are almost completely stopped or severely curtailed. The result is, people, lose inches from their girth quickly and our skin can’t keep pace with this quicker loss of girth and begins to sag.

Our skin is not just an envelope around our bodies. It is not a rubber sheath around the body. It is a live tissue made up of living cells and is wonderfully elastic and has the capacity to tighten up and adjust to the new volume of the body. But this process takes some time, even two or three years if you lose a lot of weight suddenly, so the sagging lasts for some time.

Most people on very-low-calorie diets, suffer from all kinds of nutritional deficiencies and can’t sustain the diet. They promptly regain all the weight they had lost, often ending up fatter than before, as soon as they begin to eat more. So the skin sagging vanishes.

People lose a lot of weight after bariatric surgery. They too suffer from nutritional deficiencies but they are put on ample nutritional supplements. They, of course, can’t go back to eating as they did previously, as there isn’t enough space left in the stomach, so the weight loss continues for a longer period. These are the people who suffer from the worst skin sagging.

People who are obese and ill enough to require bariatric surgery and also wealthy enough to afford it, can also consider plastic surgery to correct the loose skin.

After half a dozen years or so, these people too start regaining weight as the stomach starts stretching and allows them to eat more.

People who lose weight on healthy, normal, everyday food and moderate exercise, even as simple as walking, the weight loss is steady and that allows the skin to keep pace with the loss of the girth and they don’t experience much sagging of skin. In fact the skin becomes healthy and begins to glow beautifully as they lose weight on balanced, healthy food and cardiovascular exercises.

Thus to prevent sagging of skin, you must lose weight on healthy nutrition and moderate exercises and drink a lot of water and remain adequately hydrated. Dehydration worsens sagging while proper hydration prevents it.

Also get ample sleep during and after slimming.

You can use moisturising, rehydrating skin care products of reputed brands to keep the skin in good health, but your inner health is of paramount importance.

Also ageing people must accept the natural wrinkling of their skin gracefully and focus on getting healthy nutrition, adequate walks, water, and sleep, to keep their skin at its best, for their age.

Also read the articles ‘Simple Steps To Slimming’ and ‘Health Benefits Of Weight Loss’ on this website.

Health benefit due to weight loss

Health Benefits Of Weight Loss!

Benefits Of Being Slim And Healthy!

Obese people are never fully healthy either physically or mentally. Most obese people have low self-esteem, lack self-confidence and find themselves socially isolated. They tend to be irritable and gradually avoid people. Young people find it difficult to get a good life partner.

Obesity and the faulty lifestyle associated with it, lead to a very wide range of diseases, some of which may not even appear to be directly connected to obesity.

The obese tend to be irritable, stressed out, depressed and may have poor self-esteem. Their energy levels are low and they tire quickly. There are pains and aches everywhere.

Backache and joint pains are common. Spondylosis, prolapsed discs, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, varicose veins, cholecystitis (inflammation of the gall bladder), and some hernias are prevalent in the obese.

Fatty liver (hepatic steatosis) is often associated with obesity. Some fat is there in a healthy liver, but the accumulation of excessive fat in the liver is called fatty liver. It can lead to inflammation and damage to the liver tissue and scarring (fibrosis) of the liver parenchyma. Extensive liver fibrosis leads to cirrhosis, which can cause liver failure, which is a life-threatening illness.

High blood pressure, diabetes, coronary heart disease and cerebral strokes (paralysis) are frequently associated with obesity.

Amongst obese ladies ‘ infertility, difficult pregnancies, and labor, abortions and complications during a cesarean section are common.

Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is common among young women. PCOD is a condition in which the ovaries develop small fluid-filled sacs or cysts, causing hormonal imbalances and the menstrual periods are generally delayed or completely absent. This condition is usually associated with weight gain and frequently with infertility.

The obese always have a greater risk during surgery.

Apart from these diseases, a wide range of other diseases, including some cancers, are linked to obesity and the faulty lifestyle associated with it.

High-Risk Abdominal Obesity:

Excessive accumulation of fat in the abdomen can have dangerous implications for your health. Abdominal obesity can lead to the dangerous triad of hypertension (high blood pressure), dyslipidemia (high levels of cholesterol and blood fats) and type-2 diabetes. These three together can lead to coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction and also death.

So if you have a big belly, it is imperative that you wake up and do something about it urgently.

Effect of weight loss:

When people begin to eat healthily and at least walk regularly, they begin to lose weight and start feeling fresh and energetic. The skin and hair health begins to improve. People begin to like their reflection in the mirror.

Hyperacidity, digestive complaints, constipation get corrected.

The blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides levels begin to drop. The bad cholesterol, LDL cholesterol drops down while the good cholesterol, the HDL cholesterol begins to climb.

Various pains and aches reduce. Backache, arthritic pains in knees, hips, pains in heels improve.

Young women overcome PCOD, conceive naturally, stop aborting and become happy mothers, without expensive fertility treatments.

Losing weight protects us from illnesses like hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and strokes, cholecystitis and fatty liver and many types of cancers.

Losing weight can reverse most of the above illnesses and conditions completely and make you slim and healthy!

Lifestyle benefits:

Obesity and most of the illnesses associated with it are lifestyle diseases. The only way to get slim and healthy for a lifetime is to adopt healthy food habits and a healthy lifestyle, for a lifetime. So you learn to eat well and become physically more active and fit for a lifetime.

This is exactly the reverse of trying to lose weight on unhealthy, starvation based or fad diets and injurious exercises off and on. Diets are temporary, so are their results, eating healthy is permanent and so are its results!

Personal, Psychological and social benefits:

Excellent weight loss on your own, normal, everyday, healthy food, moderate and enjoyable exercises, ample water and sleep results in glowing, healthy skin making people of all ages look and feel younger and better. Young men and ladies look naturally more handsome or pretty.

People become happy and confident about losing weight, they regain their self-esteem, they become socially more acceptable, in young people, matrimonial or matchmaking prospects improve. They become more acceptable in the work environment.

Many even middle-aged men and women feel very good to be able to wear better clothes.

Economic benefits:

The cost of medical care and infrastructure comes down if more and people become fit and healthy.

The productivity of the whole society improves if people are more fit and healthy, directly benefiting society.


For four decades now, we have successfully helped innumerable people get slim and healthy not only in our Slimming Centre in Pune, but all over the world, on our ‘Distance Program’. Absolutely balanced nutrition and exercise even as simple as walking have always been at the core of our Weight Loss Treatment in Pune and all over the world.


Also read the articles the ‘Basics Of Nutrition‘, the ‘Science Of Exercise‘ and the ‘Simple Steps to Slimming‘. Get in touch with us through the ‘Contact Us’ page on this website.

High Protein Diets For Weight Loss!

Dangers Of High Protein Diets and Protein Supplements!

For over three-fourths of a century a few ‘obesity experts’ have expounded the theory of how proteins are good and carbohydrates are bad for human health. They have persistently advocated high protein diets as a sure shot weight loss diet. You see them in many variants of high protein – low carbohydrate diets.

Gyms too continue to sell the idea of high protein diets and protein supplements as it suits them to sell expensive protein supplements and strength training exercises under even more expensive personal trainers of questionable expertise.

Such so-called obesity experts and the gym industry thrives on making people believe that they should shun carbohydrates and eat high protein diets comprising of chicken and eggs.

Today millions of people imagine that carbohydrates are bad and proteins and fats are good for their health.

If you are one of them, you will do well to understand:

Carbohydrates don’t make you fat, excess calories do. Both carbohydrates and proteins provide 4 calories each gm while fats provide 9!

If you eat any of the above three nutrients in excess of your requirement, you will gain weight, not just carbohydrates. if you are trying to lose weight then you want to check our distance program. Fats are most likely to provide excess calories as they provide more than twice as many calories as carbohydrates and proteins. If

Most high protein foods like flesh, eggs, full-fat dairy, cheese, full cream paneer, and soya provide more fats than proteins.

So all high protein diets are more high-fat diets than high protein diets.

So they are much more likely to make you fat than carbohydrates’ dominant diets.

Whole grain cereals and pulses, vegetables and fruits are the heart-healthy foods, not high protein – high-fat diets.

Average people need no more than 0.8 gm protein per kg body weight and athletes need 1.5 to 2 gm, both levels can be supplied adequately by balanced, everyday food.

High protein – high-fat diets can increase your total and bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and decrease your healthy HDL cholesterol and lead to excess weight and cause hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, strokes and heart disease.

Being very low in fiber, they also cause constipation, piles, fissures and in some, diverticulosis and colorectal cancers.

The metabolism of protein produces large amounts of acids. This causes acidosis which our body must correct. The kidneys must excrete this acid to maintain the acid-base balance within the body. But the kidneys cannot handle fluids with so high acidity and they must dilute these acids with great amounts of water. Hence the body loses a lot of water and this leads to dehydration.

The body also uses calcium to neutralize this excess acid. Most of the body’s calcium is stored in bones. Thus the calcium is withdrawn from bones and used for this purpose, this leads to osteoporosis and can also cause kidney stones over a period of time.

This puts excessive strain on the kidneys which are already struggling hard to eliminate excessive amounts of waste products and this leads to chronic kidney disease in the long run.

The other vital organ eliminating the toxic waste products of protein metabolism in the liver. So both of these vital organs are overloaded when you take excessive proteins. This leads to kidney and liver diseases if excessive proteins and protein supplements are consumed for a long period. For this reason, people with a history of kidney or liver disease must not take excessive proteins from food and supplements.

Most gym-goers take protein supplements, in addition to eating high protein – high-fat diets in the form of multiple eggs and boneless chicken daily to help build bigger muscles and their recovery after weight training exercises.

For a vast majority of people, excessive consumption of high protein foods and protein supplements have no special benefit in either muscle building or repair. In fact, they do more damage than good.

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Our health depends upon getting a particular balance of amino acids, which is provided naturally in a balanced diet. Protein supplements provide a limited range of amino acids, thus severely disrupting this balance which can only lead to grave health risks.

Protein supplements, usually in the form of shakes, are high in calories. Thus they lead to more weight gain.

Most protein supplements are made from casein, whey or soya protein. Many people are sensitive to these proteins and develop gases, abdominal pain, hyperacidity, nausea and diarrhoea or constipation. People who consume protein supplements for sustained periods, and eat little heart-healthy food and fiber, suffer from chronic constipation, piles, fissures, diverticulosis, and colorectal cancers. Straining at stools can cause hernias.

Contamination with toxic elements is an ever-present threat when producing synthetic protein supplements.

A 2010 study found that some of the artificial protein supplements were contaminated with toxic metals like arsenic, cadmium, and lead, which can seriously damage your health.

Thus, obesity, dehydration, constipation, piles, fissures, diverticulosis and colorectal cancers, calcium loss from bones, kidney and liver damage, heart disease and strokes can be long term effects of excessive protein consumption.

So think twice before having high protein – high fat – low carbohydrates diets and buying protein supplements!

There is absolutely no need to waste money and health on high protein – high fat – high-calorie protein foods and protein supplements.

Also, read the article ‘Dangers Of Unscientific Treatments, ‘Dangers Of Protein Supplements’ and ‘Carbohydrates Don’t Make Us Fat’ on this website.