Tag - Slimming Center in Pune


Healthy Weight Loss Diet

Healthy Food Plan For Healthy Weight Loss

Today millions of people all over the world are frustrated with obesity and the dangerous diseases associated with it. Most of them would give anything to find a perfectly healthy weight loss diet.

Are you one of them?

This is how we can plan a safe, simple and healthy weight loss food plan that you can follow all your life.

Our breakfast generally includes dishes like chapatis, pohe, upama, idli, dosa and thalipith.

Our lunch and dinner include chapatis, bhakri, rice, dals, and vegetables.

The food of South Indians revolves around idli, dosa and rice and sambar.

Of these chapatis, bhakri and rice are made from cereals.

Dals and sambar are made from pulses.

Idli and dosa are made from rice and udid dal, so they include both cereals and pulses.

Wheat, rice, jowar, bajri, nachani, oats, and corn are cereals.

Red gram, green gram, Bengal gram, lentils, and legumes are pulses.

Together they not only provide us with adequate carbohydrates and energy, a wide range of vitamins, minerals and fiber but also most of our protein needs.

Fruits and vegetables provide us with a wide range of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber to make our food more complete.

The cooking oil and the concealed fat in every food that we eat provide us with the essential fats that we need.

Eating a wide variety of foods along these provides us with adequate nutrition including vitamins and minerals.

In addition to this, we need to ensure that we get enough Vitamin B12, the essential fats omega 3 and Vitamin D, too.

Vitamin B12 is available only in animal source foods like milk, eggs, flesh, and fish.

Vegetarians need to consume 2.5 to 3 cups of milk every day to get the necessary Vitamin B12 daily.

Omega 3 fatty acids are an important component of the essential fats that our body needs. Amongst other functions, they also protect our heart from coronary artery disease.

Omega 3 is of two types, the sea source and the vegetable source omega 3.

Of these, the sea source omega 3 is more potent in protecting the heart than the vegetable source omega 3.

Unfortunately, it is available only in sea fish. But few Indians eat fish.

One solution to this problem is to take omega 3 supplements.

There are very few natural food sources of Vitamin D. Fortunately our bodies build Vitamin D when our skin is exposed to sunlight. We can get adequate Vitamin D by getting exposed to about 5 minutes of sunlight daily.

Thus chapati, rice, bhakri, idli, dosa, dal, sambar, usal, pithla, vegetables, milk, fruit and sea fish and a healthy cooking oil make up a completely balanced diet!

Along with this, we also have to avoid the following high carbohydrate and high-fat foods to keep our calorie consumption moderate.

Avoid high carbohydrate foods like Sugar, jaggery, sago, honey, rava, maida and refined flours.

Avoid high-fat foods like groundnuts, coconut, sesame, cream, ghee, butter, cheese, and full cream paneer.

Also avoid fried foods, bakery products, and fast foods.

This is the simplest, safest and healthiest food plan that you can follow lifelong to become slim and healthy for a lifetime. Call it the healthiest weight loss diet, if you like!

Once you settle into this kind of food plan and you can reduce a little bit of rice and chapatis from your meals, even half a chapati and half a bowl rice would be fine for most people and start walking twice a day. Slowly you can reach a level of a brisk walk of half an hour twice a day.

If you persist, you will start losing weight healthily and happily and slim down in due course of a few months, your skin and hair health will be at their best and your blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides levels will correct themselves and you will get fighting fit.

This is the only safe and simple way of living that can make you slim and healthy for a lifetime!

Read more about the subject on ‘Designing Healthy Weight Loss Food Plan!‘ On this website.

And we can help you achieve this kind of results very much at your home, anywhere in the world on the same line of weight loss treatment managed from Pune, in our ‘Distance Program’, through our Obesity Clinic based in Pune, no need to physically join our Slimming Centre in Pune.

Also read the articles ‘Basics Of Nutrition‘ and ‘Simple Steps To Slimming‘ on this website.

How To Choose The Best Slimming Center In Pune?

Today millions of people in India are suffering from obesity, various pains and disabilities, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, strokes and PCOD, miscarriages and infertility and many more illnesses associated with obesity.

Recognising this, much before most people, Dr. Nitin Gupte started his pioneering ‘Slimming Center in Pune, three and half decades ago. It was a first doctor run ‘Slimming Center’ in Pune that was well equipped with the best available cardiovascular equipment of those times!

Pune was a much smaller city then and there was much less traffic on the roads than now.

The health club culture was yet to arrive and there was no other ‘Slimming Center’ in Pune.

So the news that a young doctor had started a ‘Slimming Center in Pune, spread quickly and people needing to lose weight to simply look their best or to overcome the various illnesses steadily kept coming to Dr. Nitin Gupte to follow his excellent and easy food plan and worked out daily under his close supervision and got slim and healthy in a relaxed, enjoyable process. The whole practice of Dr. Nitin Gupte spread simply by excellent word of mouth publicity. Many renowned specialists doctors of that era availed the benefits of his expertise.

At the beginning of his practice, Dr. Nitin Gupte helped two young men from Mumbai and Khandala and an elite class Pune lady lose 36, 56 and 27 Kg respectively!

That set the tone of his practice and he never looked back! The top Pune daily and top Marathi magazines began printing Dr. Gupte’s articles on obesity treatment! He was soon recognised as the leading authority on obesity management.

Indian people started consulting him from all over the world, in his ‘Distance Program’ and Dr. Gupte proved beyond any doubt that he could help people get slim and healthy anywhere in the world as long as they were Indians and ate Indian food and were willing to walk and lead a healthy lifestyle! He didn’t need them to exercise under his supervision!

Three decades later he helped a young IIT alumnus settled in Frankfurt lose 16 kg to protect himself from a strong family history of diabetes and the globetrotting CEO of a  top automobile industry lose 25 Kg, in spite of nonstop flying between different cities and countries!

In between, Dr. Gupte has helped numerous Indian people including specialist doctors all over the world, overcome obesity and its accompanying diseases, often getting rid of their medication, by simply planning, educating and inspiring people to make small, but significant changes to their lifestyle and their normal, everyday food and walk regularly!

You can read their stories on the ‘Testimonials’ and ‘Doctors Recommend Us’ pages and the basic science of slimming and healthy living on the ‘Science Of Slimming’ and ‘Recent Posts’ links on Dr. Gupte’s website, www.drnitingupte.com.

While all other slimming Centers and gyms are either starving people under bogus slimming machines, medicines, meal replacement shakes or diets, or put them on painful workout and protein supplements, under huge psychological torture, Dr. Nitin Gupte is helping people get slim and healthy happily, in Pune and also all over the world in his ‘Distance Program’ by simply planning, educating and inspiring people to eat and live healthy!

The easiest way to choose the best ‘Slimming Center’ in Pune is to compare the websites of all the available treatments, see the presence or the lack of scientific information of the science of slimming and health, and visit each program to find out the process and results of the program.

Then if you find Dr. Nitin Gupte to be the best in the field, you can get in touch with him from the ‘Contact Us’ page of his website.

Overcoming Obesity Related Infertility

Weight Loss Should Be The First Treatment For Obesity Related Infertility!

On 5th May 2017, Ms Sarika Shukla, 30, 5 feet 2 inches tall, 93 kg young lady came to me, looking for my help in losing weight that apparently was preventing her from conceiving even after 3 or 4 years of expensive and frustrating fertility treatments that had failed completely, under a well known Pune gynecologist. After spending a few lacs and undergoing two expensive laparoscopies, a doctor relative severely admonished her and sent her to me.

She had also spent huge amounts on trying to lose weight on a few heavily advertised, self-styled slimming centers in Pune, without any success, before coming to me.

I had hoped against hope that she would lose at least 25 to 30 kg weight before she conceived.

No such luck!

Put on a healthy nutritional plan and regular walks, she lost some 4 kg and conceived naturally in a month’s time.

She delivered a healthy baby, absolutely safely, without any complications during pregnancy or delivery.

A few years earlier, a 28 year old, 5 feet tall, 70 kg young lady was referred to me by a top infertility expert in Pune. The lady, whose name I am not at liberty to disclose, is the daughter in law of a famous construction family in Kothrud, Pune and both husband and wife are ayurvedic doctors. She was unable to conceive even on extensive fertility treatments as well as ayurvedic treatments, after suffering from nine miscarriages! Needless to say that she was more sad and depressed than Sarika.

I assured her that we would overcome her problems in a few months and that she should relax, get happy and positive and stop worrying about pregnancy and that everything will fall in place when she loses weight healthily.

She lost 18 kg with me, lost all her gloom, became happy and positive and conceived naturally, without any fertility treatment. This time the slim and fit young lady had no complications of pregnancy and delivered a healthy baby safely.

She too had spent a fortune on many obesity clinics in Pune, without losing weight.

Today millions of women all over the world are suffering from PCOD, menstrual dysfunctions and anovulation, lower conception rates, infertility, higher miscarriage rates and a higher rate of complications during pregnancy.

Most ladies suffering from PCOD are overweight or obese, many of them also suffer from hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance, some of them also suffer from hypothyroidism and many have difficulty in conceiving or are infertile.

The easily perceivable common condition running in most of these ladies is obesity. What is less easily perceivable is that many of these ladies may eat bad and may have sedentary lifestyles.

I have been helping young ladies all over the world, overcome obesity, often with PCOD, history of one or more miscarriages and also infertility, for three and a half decades.

In actual practice, I have found that the root cause of obesity and PCOD, and obesity-related miscarriages and infertility, are bad eating and sedentary lifestyles with an almost complete absence of any physical activity.

World over, most such ladies are directly put under hormonal fertility treatments, without being told to eat better, take up some exercise and lose weight before taking up infertility treatments.

I am sure, most of these ladies will conceive naturally, without any fertility treatments, if only they ate well, at least walked regularly, stopped thinking about pregnancy constantly, became happy and positive and lost weight healthily.

I have demonstrated this fact in my practice repeatedly over the decades!

Unfortunately, most times, such ladies either come to me directly, or a few are referred to me by their gynecologist or infertility specialists, only after all possible fertility treatments have failed.

Once they are put on healthy, balanced nutrition and they start walking regularly, most of them conceive naturally, most often much before they have lost all the weight they need to lose, often by the time they lose 8 or 10 kg, sometimes much less!

Ideally, they should slim down optimally, but since they are not taking any preventive measures, many conceive naturally in a month or two. Losing maximum excess weight protects them from miscarriages and complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

Since obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, strokes and all the above diseases that accompany obesity, have assumed epidemic proportions in our country too, obesity clinics, slimming centers, weight loss treatments of every hue have sprung up in Pune and all over India.

Few selling these so-called weight loss treatments really know what works long term and either force starvation or painful exercises on their hapless victims! Neither works long term!

It is vital that the lady aspiring to be a mother loses weight on completely healthy, balanced nutrition and gets fit, happy and positive.

A bad weight loss treatment with bad nutrition is also most likely to harm the health of the fetus and also cause miscarriages on its own.

It is wonderful for the pregnancy and the mental and physical health of the baby if both parents are happy, healthy, positive, slim and fit and are free of addictions like smoking, drinking or drugs, at the time of the conception.

I always strive to help couples struggling with obesity-related infertility to achieve these goals, the rest falls in place automatically!

Also read the ‘Testimonials’, ‘Health Problems Of The Young: PCOD’ and the ‘Slim Women Are Healthy Women’ articles on this website.

Healthy Weight Loss For Indian Men And Women All Over The World!

Healthy Weight Loss For Indian Men And Women All Over The World!

Helping Indian People Get Slim And Healthy All Over The World!

Over four decades ago, when I started my pioneering ‘Obesity Clinic in Pune‘, India, I was absolutely sure that obesity and various pains, disabilities, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, hypothyroidism, PCOD, miscarriages and infertility, the diseases that accompany obesity, were going to spread like wildfire amongst Indian people, not only in India but also all over the world, in decades to come!

Few had foreseen that obesity and its accompanying diseases would make the obesity treatment a multi-crore rupee market in India, in decades to come.

Naturally, there were hardly any commercial slimming centers, weight loss programs, obesity clinics or gyms in Pune, Mumbai or in India.

A decade later the obesity and its accompanying diseases began raising their ugly heads with vengeance and today more and more young people are falling prey to hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease in their twenties and thirties, many undergoing angioplasties before turning forty!

More and more overweight and obese young ladies are suffering from PCOD, miscarriages, and infertility and are being forced to undergo expensive fertility treatments, which fail much more often than they succeed. And nobody has the time to pause and think if the hormonal treatments are safe long term!

And now people are aware that most of the above diseases are caused mainly by obesity. So today more and more people are trying to lose weight desperately.

Naturally, slimming centres in both Pune and everywhere else, weight loss treatments in Pune and everywhere else, obesity clinics in Pune and everywhere else have sprung up, like mushrooms. And so have multi-crore rupee chain of gyms, selling mindless exercises under expensive personal trainers of questionable merits and equally expensive protein powders.

For over four decades now, I have helped numerous Indian people including specialist doctors, CEOs of mega industries, top professionals not only in Pune, Mumbai or India, but also all over the world, overcome overweight or obesity and all the above illnesses, by simply planning, educating and inspiring people to make small, but significant changes to their lifestyle and their normal, everyday food, at least walk regularly, rest adequately and be mentally peaceful and happy.

Many of them have gotten rid of their medication for illnesses like hypertension, diabetes, hypothyroidism, and hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol).

Young ladies who had failed on every expensive fertility treatments, have overcome PCOD, infertility and repeated miscarriages to become happy mothers, by simply beginning to live and eat better, many of them even before they lost significant weight!

You can read some of their stories on the ‘Testimonials’ and the ‘Doctors Recommend Us’ pages and the basic science of slimming and healthy living on the ‘Science Of Slimming’ and ‘Recent Posts’ links on our website.

No starving under bogus slimming machines or medicines or meal replacement shakes or ‘magic’ diets, no painful workout and protein supplements, no psychological torture required!

And we can help you achieve this kind of results very much at your home, anywhere in the world on the same line of weight loss treatment managed from Pune, in our ‘Distance Program’, through our Obesity Clinic based in Pune, no need to physically join our Slimming Centre in Pune.

If you are looking to get slim and healthy and overcome any of the above diseases accompanying obesity, you can write to us on slim@drnitingupte.com or at drnitingupte@gmail.com for more information.

You can also read more about the treatment on the ‘Distance Program’ link of our website.

She Was Trying to Lose Weight with a Foreign Online Slimming Program!

It’s been over four decades now that I have helped our people get and slim and healthy and overcome various diseases associated with obesity, both in my ‘In Centre Program’ in my Slimming Centre on Law College Road, in Pune, and at their homes, anywhere in the world, in my ‘Distance Program’, on their own normal everyday food and exercises even as simple as walking.

Pune people majorly joined my  ‘In Centre Program’ and exercised under our supervision at my Slimming Centre in Pune to became slim and healthy, while some people in both Pune and a large number of people from outside Pune and outside India consulted me on my ‘Distance Program’ at my Obesity Clinic based in Pune to achieve exactly the same health goals.

It was a bright cool morning in the winter of 2005 that the smart mid thirties young lady walked into my Slimming Centre in Pune.

Sir, I am a professional and travel all over the world in my line of duty. I will be stationed in Pune for the next three months.

I want to lose some 15 kg weight.

I have tried a number of gyms and diet programs, the last being a foreign online program.

The consultants on the program planned and supervised the execution of my program. They kept changing my diet from time to time, Paleo to Keto to intermittent fasting to Atkin’s and a few other kinds of diets and exercise varying between gym, Zumba and power yoga.

But nothing worked!

I was looking for an Obesity Clinic in Pune that would offer me in Pune, exactly the same kind of weight loss treatment that is offered by your Slimming Centre, as I will be stationed in Pune only for another three months.

Do you know what kind of weight loss treatment my Slimming Centre offers here in Pune?

Yes, I have met a couple who have lost a lot of weight with you.

She was talking about a Pune couple who had gone through my slimming treatment at my Slimming Centre.

But will three months be enough to lose all the fifteen kg that I want to lose, she asked.

No, I said, you will need longer than that to lose 15 kg, but you needn’t worry about it.

You can join us and work out under our supervision in our Slimming Centre while here in Pune and continue with our ‘Distance Program’ through our Pune Obesity Clinic for three months and complete the remaining weight loss treatment anywhere in the world exactly like you would in Pune.

The basic food plan of our slimming treatment here in Pune will continue wherever you are in the world after that and we can complement it with exercise even as simple as walking.

Great, she said, that is exactly what I was looking for!

Initially, I was a little unsure if this ultra-modern girl would be prepared to listen to my advice after following an entirely different kind of approach to weight management, with the foreign program.

But she joined me readily and lost nine kg in three months, eating healthy normal everyday food and exercising happily under our supervision at our Pune Slimming Centre and then took up the ‘Distance Program’ of our Obesity Clinic, which supervised her balanced weight loss treatment when she migrated to Australia at the end of her three months stay in Pune!