Obesity Treatment
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Dr. Nitin Gupte Slimming and Wellness Clinic
We are a 30 year old, pioneering institution specializing in delivering starvation free, life time slimming, superb fitness and optimum physical and mental health under medical guidance.
It is our lifetime mission to help people to achieve these goals by inspiring them to lead just a little improved lifestyle, to eat their own normal, everyday Indian food improved just a little to provide excellent nutrition, at least walk adequately, rest sufficiently and be mentally peaceful and happy. This gives people the best chance to get slim and healthy for a lifetime, very much at their own homes, anywhere in the world.
These minor but significant changes are easy to adapt for a lifetime and help us lose weight and greatly improve our blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol and lipid profile, helping us prevent or fight diabetes and heart disease much better!
There is no place for the use of any bogus slimming machines or equally bogus slimming medicines, fancy, inevitably starvation based ‘diets’, meal replacement shakes or food packs, painful workout and protein supplements in our treatment.
Lifetime slimming with excellent skin and hair health and optimum mental and physical well being are guaranteed!
Learning the basic science of healthy living, leading a healthy lifestyle, eating well, exercising regularly and being mentally happy.
Treatment Fundamentals
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Treatment Fundamentals
Healthy Lifestyle
Excellent Nutrition
Scientific Exercises As Simple As Walking
Quality Rest
Mental Peace And Happiness
No Gimmicks
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No Gimmicks
No Starvation
No Fad Diets
No Food Packs
No Protein Supplements
No Medicines
No Spot Reduction Machines
No Painful Workout
No Psychological Torture
Is Diabetes Reversal Even Possible? Diabetes is of two types, Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Of these Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition in which the body does not produce insulin. That is why Type 1 diabetics need to take insulin lifelong and thus it cannot be reversed. Some of the Type 2 […]
And Effect of Weight Loss On PCOS, PCOD And Infertility! It is a well known fact that obesity is closely associated with or is one of the major causes of PCOS and PCOD, miscarriages and primary and secondary infertility. PCOS is a metabolic, endocrine and systemic disorder that is not limited to the ovaries. It […]
The Health Benefits Of The Nut Skin! The skin of all nuts including almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashew nuts, hazelnuts, pecans and also peanuts has a wealth of nutrition and we stand to lose this invaluable nutrition if we eat them without their skin. Although cashew nuts are majorly sold minus their skin, they are also […]
Soaking Cereals, Pulses And Nuts In Water! Soaking cereals, pulses and nuts is a common precooking practice and it has several benefits and one notable drawback. Benefits: Soaking reduces certain anti nutritional factors like phytic acid, tannins and trypsin inhibitors those can inhibit and reduce the absorption of some minerals like calcium, iron and zinc available in […]
Understanding The Significance of Wheat And The Conditions It Can Cause! Wheat is the second largest cultivated cereal crop of the world, next only to maize. Wheat is the second largest staple food of the world population, next only to rice. The wheat crop cultivation covers more land than any other cereal in the world. […]
Acanthosis Nigricans, Insulin Resistance And Pre Diabetes! Development of dark, thickened, often slightly raised and velvety patches on the skin could be a sign of a condition called Acanthosis Nigricans. These patches can sometimes be accompanied by itching. The areas commonly affected are the neck, armpits, groin, elbows, knees, and knuckles. Acanthosis Nigricans is strongly […]
Carbohydrates Are Essential To Health! Our food is composed of the following nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water. Each of these nutrients have specific roles to play in the functioning of our body. *** Carbohydrates are of two types, viz. simple and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are made up of one or two […]
The Causes Of Milk Indigestion and Their Solutions! Many people cannot tolerate milk and milk products. They develop varying degrees of abdominal discomfort, pain, bloating, gases, diarrhoea when they consume milk. The commonest cause of this is lactose intolerance. *** Lactose intolerance: Lactose is the major sugar present in milk. It is composed of two […]
Fast Food Or Junk Food Are Harmful To Health! Fast food or junk food are foods that are loaded with calories, sugars and salt, fats, cholesterol and trans fats and lack healthy nutrients like fibre, vitamins and minerals and antioxidants. Most fast food may lack either complex carbohydrates or proteins or both. Bakery products like […]
Basic Information About Blood Pressure And Hypertension! Today many people are aware that diabetes is a grave illness. And they take the threat of the disease seriously. But more people have hypertension than diabetes and few people are aware that hypertension is as grave a disease as diabetes. And a person with hypertension may not have […]
Hypothyroidism Or Under Active Thyroid Gland Thyroid is a butterfly shaped endocrine gland situated at the base of the neck, below the prominence of the Adam’s apple, resting on the trachea or the windpipe. It produces three hormones, the two thyroid hormones called triiodothyronine or T3 and thyroxine or the T4 hormones and calcitonin. The […]
Raised Levels Of Blood Uric Acid, Gout And Kidney Stones! Many people suffer from raised levels of uric acids in their blood. Often this condition is found in routine renal function tests. Most often this condition is ignored if the rise is borderline. But left untreated, long term rise in uric acid could cause chronic […]
Kinds Of Fatty Liver Disease Or Hepatic Steatosis Obese people have a greater risk of developing hypertension, diabetes and heart disease, than the slim people. And most obese people know that they are at greater risk of developing these diseases. And more obese people have fatty liver disease than heart disease, but most are totally […]
The Root Cause Of Diseases Like Diabetes, Heart Disease And Cancers! Everyone knows hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, arthritis and cancers. Few know that the root cause of these dangerous disease is inflammation! What is inflammation? We have all experienced injuries from our childhood when we fell and scratched our skin of legs and hands […]
How To Choose A Healthy Cooking Oil! This is a delicate and controversial issue, involving complex scientific research which is still underway and emotions and geographical preferences and commercial interests of oil seed producers and the oil industry. We have already seen in the ‘Heart Health Poster Boy Olive Oil Vs Groundnut Oil’ article on […]
Choosing Between Olive Oil And Groundnut Oil! Hit the internet to search for foods to fight inflammation and the chronic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and heart disease resulting from it and it invariably comes up with one particular food, the heart health poster boy, the extra virgin olive oil. Researchers have for sometime now […]
Health Benefits Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids! Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are the three macronutrients of our nutrition. Fats are composed of fatty acids. Fatty acids are of four types, the monounsaturated fatty acids, the polyunsaturated fatty acids, the saturated fatty acids and the trans fatty acids. Of these, the body can synthesise most of […]
The Threat Of Pre Diabetes! Even when I started my pioneering obesity clinic in Pune four decades ago, it was clear that we were fast becoming the world capital of diabetes and heart disease! But the threat of a condition called pre diabetes was not as commonly recognised then as it is today. Currently the commonest […]
Eating Too Much Sweets, Obesity And Diabetes! It was amply clear even when I started my then unique ‘Obesity Clinic’ in Pune, nearly 40 years ago, that our county was poised to be the world capital of diabetes and heart disease! The three primary reasons for it were that we are genetically more prone to […]
The Process Of Developing Insulin Resistance And Diabetes! Any one can become diabetic. It is not a must to have a family history of diabetes to develop the disease. Yes, you have a greater chance of developing the disease if you have a family history of diabetes. But you will see that many develop the […]
Wheat Is As Healthy As Any Other Cereal! Wheat is the second largest cultivated cereal crop of the world, next only to maize. Wheat is the largest staple food of the world population, next only to rice. The wheat crop cultivation covers more land than any other cereal in the world. Its turnover in the […]
Studying The Effects Of Intermittent Fasting On Health Intermittent fasting is as ancient as civilisation and has been practiced in all religions for centuries. An ‘enthusiastic’ paper published by a British doctor over a hundred years ago and lapped up merrily by lay press and very energetically canvassed from time to time by some enthusiastic […]
Effect Of Post Meal Exercise On Weight, Blood Sugar And Insulin Exercise any time is extremely beneficial to our health and its effects on your our health are well documented in international research. Exercise boosts the levels of endorphins, the feel-good neurotransmitters, Reduces stress, Lifts gloom and depression, Improves self-esteem, Improves cardiovascular fitness, Improves lung […]
Learning What GI And GL Are And How They Affect Blood Sugar Most people have heard about the Glycemic Index (GI) And Glycemic Load (GL). Let’s learn what they exactly are. Glycemic Index is a numerical value assigned to a food as per how quickly or slowly it raises your blood sugar when compared with […]
Learning What Makes Our Nutrition Balanced! Our body needs to get calories, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fibre, various vitamins and minerals and antioxidants and water from our daily food. Our food is majorly composed of cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, oil, milk and milk products like curds, buttermilk, butter, ghee, paneer, cheese and in mix diet people, […]
Weight Loss Tips To Get Slim and Healthy! Diets never work! At least not long term. All diets are low calorie and most border on starvation. And they are not like your normal, daily food at all! Doesn’t matter which category diet you try. You never feel good on a diet. On any kind of […]
Effect Of Dietary Cholesterol, Saturated Fats And Simple Carbohydrates On Blood Cholesterol Until 2013 it was generally accepted that dietary consumption of cholesterol should not exceed 300 mg daily for people who are not at a risk of developing coronary heart disease and 200 mg daily for people who are at a risk of developing […]
Healthy Vs Unhealthy Breakfast! Breakfast cereals like corn flakes and wheat flakes are popular breakfast choices. You don’t need to cook them at all. All you need is to put them in a bowl and pour cold milk on them and eat! They are crunchy, sweet, often flavoured with chocolate and are tasty. Oats are […]
Excess Sugar Harms Every Tissue Of The Body Sugar is nearly hundred per cent simple carbohydrate and provides no other nutrient. It therefore has no nutritional value and plays no role in our nutrition. Excess sugar consumption adversely affects every tissue of our body. Sugar is metabolised in the liver and excess sugar is converted […]
Eating And Living Heart Healthy! India is home to the world’s largest number of heart disease patients. We Indians are genetically more prone to develop heart disease and that is to ten years before the people of the developed countries. We not only catch heart disease early but it also appears to progress faster in […]
Rampant Iron Deficiency Anaemia In Women And Children! According to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS), 35.7 percent of children and 46.1 percent of women in India were anemic in the year 2016. The numbers have gone up to 68.4 and 66.4 percent respectively, in the year 2019. This is an alarming rise. And children […]
Why Walking Is The Best Weight Loss Exercise At Home! Today the pandemic has forced millions of people all over the world to work from home. And many of them are working more than twelve hours a day. Naturally they are leading a very sedentary life. With the result, many have ended up gaining a lot of […]
Walking Is The Safest Exercise For All Ages! Today millions of people all over the world are obese and most of them are struggling to lose weight by either starving under various treatments or working out heavily till they are badly injured. We have known for a long time that cardiovascular exercises lower your weight, blood […]
- Rava And Maida Are Bad For Our Health! Rava and maida are made from wheat. The wheat grain has three parts, the bran, the germ and the endosperm. The bran is the protective outer cover of the grain, the germ develops into a new plant when the seed germinates and the endosperm is the store [...]
Reasons Of Regain Of Weight After Weight Loss! Most obese people who lose some weight regain it after a while. In fact, most regain more weight than they lose under most treatments. Why does this happen? This happens because most people lose weight on unscientific treatments based on nutritionally wrong, starvation-based diets or mindless and […]
Childhood Obesity Is A Serious Health Problem! According to NDTV, the stats published by the Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, around 5-8.8% of Indian schoolchildren were obese, in 2019. And if the rates increased at a pace like that, 27 million Indian children were expected to be obese by 2030. But the pandemic will […]
Losing The Dangerous Belly Fat Assuredly! Most people want to lose their paunch or belly fat because it is ugly and causes discomfort and inconvenience in common daily activities requiring bending down to pick up anything from the floor or tying the shoelaces. What they don’t know is that it is more lethal than the […]
- Losing Ten Percent Of Your Extra Weight Could Be Life Saving! Millions of people all over the world are obese today and many of them are suffering from chronic diseases like arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, heart diseases and strokes, PCOD, miscarriages and infertility. And most of them are confused and frustrated with their failure to lose [...]
Knowledge About The Good And The Bad Fats Is Life Saving! Fats are an essential component of our nutrition. Fats can be broadly classified as monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, saturated fats and trans fats. Monounsaturated fats: Monounsaturated fats help lower cholesterol and help protect your heart. The main sources of monounsaturated fats are groundnut oil, […]
Exercising To Alleviate Depression And Boost Immunity! Today the world is going through it’s worse crisis since the World Wars. The COVID 19 crisis has brought the world on the brink of disaster. Millions have lost their jobs and millions more will lose them in days to come! Tens of thousands are going to die […]
Tightening Sagging Skin After Weight Loss! When people lose weight on low calorie, nutritionally imbalanced diets, they always look haggard as the skin wrinkles like old people. When people lose a lot of weight suddenly, over a short period of time, they develop varying degrees of sagging of skin. When they do so after bariatric […]
Corona Can Cause Severe Complications And Higher Mortality In The Obese! In a recent study of the people admitted in ICU in UK hospitals, with severe complications of Corona infection, published in the Daily Mail, two-third are overweight or obese or morbidly obese. and although the average age of those with severe complications is about […]
Benefits Of Being Slim And Healthy! Obese people are never fully healthy either physically or mentally. Most obese people have low self-esteem, lack self-confidence and find themselves socially isolated. They tend to be irritable and gradually avoid people. Young people find it difficult to get a good life partner. Obesity and the faulty lifestyle associated […]
Slimming Without Stepping Out Of Your Home! Today the dreaded Corona pandemic means, our safety lies in staying confined to our homes, at least for the next few months, till the pandemic is controlled. But the health of millions of overweight people across the globe also depends upon their losing or not losing weight in […]
Dangers Of High Protein Diets and Protein Supplements! For over three-fourths of a century a few ‘obesity experts’ have expounded the theory of how proteins are good and carbohydrates are bad for human health. They have persistently advocated high protein diets as a sure shot weight loss diet. You see them in many variants of high […]
Healthy Food Plan For Healthy Weight Loss Today millions of people all over the world are frustrated with obesity and the dangerous diseases associated with it. Most of them would give anything to find a perfectly healthy weight loss diet. Are you one of them? This is how we can plan a safe, simple and healthy weight loss […]
Over three and half decades ago, as a young doctor, I was absolutely convinced that obesity and its accompanying diseases like various pains, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and strokes and PCOD, miscarriages and infertility amongst ladies were going to spread like wildfire amongst the affluent Indians in decades to come. And there was hardly any […]
The early forties college lecturer had suddenly developed psoriatic patches on the skin of her hands and fingers. She had also developed arthritic pain, stiffness and cracking in the joints of her hands and fingers. There was no history of psoriasis in her family but she still had developed it. As usual, she was put […]
An early forties lady consulted me from Aurangabad some ten years ago. She used to have repeated bouts of swelling all over her body along with fever and extreme fatigue. The lady was bed ridden for a few days each time she had such attacks. She saw many consultants, but the attacks did not stop. […]
Today millions of people in India are suffering from obesity, various pains and disabilities, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, strokes and PCOD, miscarriages and infertility and many more illnesses associated with obesity. Recognising this, much before most people, Dr. Nitin Gupte started his pioneering ‘Slimming Center in Pune, three and half decades ago. It was a […]
- Today millions of people all over the world are suffering from obesity and various pains and diseases like hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, PCOD, miscarriages, and infertility those accompany it! People are so frustrated with obesity and its accompanying diseases that they are constantly searching for and hoping that some brand new, magic weight-loss treatment will [...]
Weight Loss Should Be The First Treatment For Obesity Related Infertility! On 5th May 2017, Ms Sarika Shukla, 30, 5 feet 2 inches tall, 93 kg young lady came to me, looking for my help in losing weight that apparently was preventing her from conceiving even after 3 or 4 years of expensive and frustrating […]
A young lady under my care, overcomes obesity, pcos and infertility, to become a happy mother, Only to forget me during her pregnancy and ends up with weight gain and high blood sugar. Faced with oral diabetes medication plus insulin, she gets back to me and starts eating healthy and walking. The sugar becomes normal […]
Millions of people all over the world are fighting obesity and accompanying diseases at any given time and Indians are no exception. Naturally, weight loss treatments of various kinds have sprung up like mushrooms, in Pune, like they have all over India and also all over the world! Today self-styled slimming centers in Pune and […]
Losing Weight at your own home, anywhere in the world! Over three decades ago, when I started my then unique Slimming Centre in Pune, I was sure that obesity and its accompanying diseases like various pains and disabilities, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, PCOD, miscarriages, and infertility were going to spread like wildfire in the […]
How To Prevent High Blood Pressure High blood pressure is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease. It accounts for two-thirds of all strokes and half of all heart disease. One out of every five people in India has high blood pressure or hypertension. The situation is worse in Maharashtra, the ratio increasing to one in […]
The Dilemma Faced By Many people! An egg contains six grams of the best quality proteins with all the essential amino acids. An egg also contains 6 grams of fat, of which 1.5 grams are saturated fats. It also contains about 210 mg of cholesterol. The protein content is almost evenly divided between the white […]
Don’t Use Newspapers For Soaking Extra Oil From Fried Delicacies. Aluminium and lead are toxic metals and are harmful to human health. Aluminium pans and vessels are dangerous to cook food in or store it in. All non-stick cookware is aluminium coated with Teflon. Any such vessel with even a small chip in the Teflon coating […]
Helping Indian People Get Slim And Healthy All Over The World! Over four decades ago, when I started my pioneering ‘Obesity Clinic in Pune‘, India, I was absolutely sure that obesity and various pains, disabilities, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, hypothyroidism, PCOD, miscarriages and infertility, the diseases that accompany obesity, were going to spread like […]
Why You Must Replace White Rice With Brown Rice Rice is a cereal and all cereals have more or less similar nutritional composition. But this is true for whole grain rice, not the polished white rice that people generally eat. A grain of rice that is obtained after removing the husk by minimally processing it […]
- The Myth Of Low Carbohydrate Diets! Carbohydrates are the first source of energy of our body. Amongst the three major components of our food, viz. carbohydrates, proteins and fats, the primary role of carbohydrates is to provide energy that our body needs for all it's basic needs. We use energy drawn from this source for [...]
Snacking On Nuts And Cheese Is Not Going To Make You Slim! Many people ask me if snacking on ground nuts and other nuts like almonds and walnuts and cheese helps in slimming. Hardly. In fact, all nuts including groundnuts and dry fruit nuts are very high in fats. They provide between 50 to 60 […]
- A few years back, my son, Anand, helped his old classmate lose 25 kg weight at our Centre, in our ‘In-Centre Program’. A few days later the boy stunned his friend’s father with his amazing transformation, from a fat boy to a handsomely slim and fit young man. The gentleman was a globe-trotting CEO of [...]
- It’s been over four decades now that I have helped our people get and slim and healthy and overcome various diseases associated with obesity, both in my ‘In Centre Program’ in my Slimming Centre on Law College Road, in Pune, and at their homes, anywhere in the world, in my ‘Distance Program’, on their own [...]
How To Cook Fish To Retain Omega 3! Many people know that sea fish are the richest source of the sea source omega 3 fatty acids, the EPA and the DHA, in our food and that they protect us against coronary heart disease. Many of them eat enough sea fish to get adequate omega 3. […]
Keeping Our Bones Healthy For A Life Time! Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones lose calcium, mineral mass and density, become fragile and fracture easily. Even sneezing or coughing can cause fractures. It is a highly crippling disease whose threat is not perceived seriously enough by people. Fractured hip bone or femur (the thigh […]
The Diseases Associated With Obesity! When I started my Slimming Centre in Pune, over three decades ago, the goal was not only to help people lose weight and stay slim and healthy for lifetime, but also to help them prevent putting on weight unnecessarily, during different stages of their lives and help them prevent or overcome […]
- Staying Slim And Healthy Through Lactation! When I started my Slimming Centre in Pune, over three decades ago, the goal was not only to help people lose weight and stay slim and healthy for the lifetime but also to help people stay slim, during different stages of their lives. After all, staying slim is so much [...]
- Staying Slim And Healthy Through Motherhood! When I started my Slimming Centre in Pune, over three decades ago, the goal was not only to help people lose weight and stay slim and healthy for the lifetime but also to help people prevent putting on weight unnecessarily, during different stages of their lives. After all, staying slim is so much easier than [...]
Vital Information About Our Salt Requirement Sodium is a mineral that is essential to our health. Our body needs it to regulate our body water balance, blood pressure and blood volume and also for proper functioning of our muscles and nerves. The largest source of sodium in our food is table salt. Almost all components […]
Not All Red Meat Is Equally Bad For The Heart! It is now common knowledge that sea fish is excellent for the health of the heart as it is the only source of the sea source omega-3 fatty acids in our food and it protect us from the coronary artery disease. It is also a […]
Sitting Is As Bad For The Heart As Smoking! Dr. James Levine, director of the Mayo Clinic, Arizona State University Obesity Solutions Initiative and inventor of the treadmill desk, has been studying the adverse effects of our increasingly sedentary lifestyles for years and has summed up his findings in two sentences. “Sitting is more dangerous […]
The Controversy Over The safety Of Artificial Sweeteners When you are looking to evaluate the safety of artificial sweeteners like saccharine, aspartame and sucralose, you must understand that there will always be an anti-artificial-sweetener lobby and a pro-artificial-sweetener lobby. Both sides will be making forceful arguments regarding the grave dangers posed to public health by […]
Fruits Are A Fountain Of Health, Eat them Amply! Few people in India eat enough fruits, most do not eat them at all, even amongst those who can afford them! Few people realize that fruits are not only a treasure of nutrition giving you excellent health but they actually prevent or reverse numerous severe and […]
Using Meal Replacing Food Packs Is Nothing But Planned Starvation! The weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar industry worldwide. Naturally slimming treatments of every conceivable kind are available in the market, most of them no more than a figment of the imagination of fertile minds looking to exploit the gullible and ignorant people, desperate […]
Dangers Of Protein Supplements In Amateur Body Builders Most people going to gyms spend most of their time in gyms on weight training. Most gyms in India look to sell poorly trained personal trainers and make more money by selling expensive protein supplements to their members. Thus most of their members turn into amateur body […]
- Milk Is A Treasure of Excellent Nutrition! Milk is a fabulous treasure of wide ranging vital nutrients that few foods can match. It is a rich source of excellent quality proteins, minerals like calcium, potassium, phosphorus and vitamins like Vitamin A, Riboflavin, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D. Buffalo milk provides about 4.25 gm of excellent [...]
- Learning To Choose The Right Carbohydrates! Carbohydrates are the most important staple food of the developing world, forming the most important source of energy and nutrition for its population. Carbohydrates can be broadly classified as the complex or the healthy carbohydrates and the simple or the bad carbohydrates. Complex or healthy carbohydrates include vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole [...]
Will Mango Make Me Fat? Mango, like most fruits, is a super food. It is a rich source of Vitamin A and a very good source of Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Vitamin A is essential for the health of our eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Pyridoxine is essential for the production […]
- Walking Is The Best, Easiest And Safest Form Of Exercise! You will always hear or read that you must ‘pump iron’, ‘pump iron’ and ‘pump iron’ to get slim, fit and healthy! You will read a lot of confusing research about the benefits of pumping iron or strength training! Strength training requires special equipment, trained [...]
Obesity And Hypertension Amongst Young People In the two and half decades of my practice, I am coming across increasing number of young girls and boys getting overweight. The two illnesses that accompany weight gain in these young people are hypertension in both girls and boys and PCOD in girls and young women.We shall look […]
- Obesity And PCOS And PCOD In Young Ladies Today millions of girls and young ladies all over the world are suffering from irregular, delayed or total absence of periods and many of them are also suffering from infertility. They could be suffering from PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) or PCOD (polycyclic ovarian disease). The exact cause [...]
Your knees are precious, save them! Knee pain is a constant companion of overweight people. The most frequent pain overweight people came to me with, in the first half of my practice, were low backache and pain in the neck. Knee pain had relatively insignificant presence in the list of complaints. Over the last decade […]
- Preventing Diabetes Diabetes is a grave metabolic disorder and damages small (microangiopathic damage) and large (macroangiopathic damage) blood vessels. It damages multiple organs, causing musculoskeletal and movement disorders, microangiopathic complications like diabetic neuropathy, retinopathy, nephropathy, macroangiopathic complications like ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease and peripheral vascular disease. Loss of vision, renal failure, heart attacks, strokes, [...]
Getting Slim, Healthy, Happy And Positive To Overcome Infertility! It is a well known fact that obesity is closely associated with or is one of the major causes of PCOD, miscarriages and primary and secondary infertility. Obesity is known to cause menstrual irregularities, poor or complete absence of ovulation, lowered chances of conception, increased chances […]
Vital Information About Cholesterol! Cholesterol is a waxy, sticky, fat like substance produced in the liver and is also present in our food. Most people only know that it causes heart disease, few know that it is an essential constituent of our body and has a vital role to play in our health. Functions of […]
- Obesity Attracts Numerous Illnesses, Slimming Reverses Them! Today more and more women of all ages are becoming overweight. Girls are putting on weight because of sedentary lifestyle, fast food and PCOD, while young women are doing so also due to oral contraceptives and around pregnancy and after child birth. Older women experience middle aged spread [...]
- Selecting The Right Fruits For Diabetics And Over Weight People! Many diabetics and also over weight or obese people are confused as to which fruits they can eat and which they can’t. In fact, many diabetics avoid eating fruits altogether. Here is some vital information about fruits that all diabetics and also overweight people should [...]
Dietary Fibre Protects Us From Diabetes, Heart Disease, Strokes And Colon Cancer! Dietary Fibre, commonly known as roughage, is an essential component of our food. It is one of the two main types of complex carbohydrates, the other being the starches. It includes all the parts of plant foods that we cannot digest or absorb. […]