Categories: Diet

Food Has the Power to Make or Break Our Health! She Came to Me to Lose Weight, but Got Rid of the Psoriatic Patches and Arthritis of Hands Instead!

psoriasis of the hands

The early forties college lecturer had suddenly developed psoriatic patches on the skin of her hands and fingers. She had also developed arthritic pain, stiffness and cracking in the joints of her hands and fingers. There was no history of psoriasis in her family but she still had developed it.

As usual, she was put on steroids by skin specialists and not surprisingly she put on more weight. She may have already been a little overweight like most ladies her age are, these days.

Scared of putting on more weight during her impending menopausal age, she came to me. She wasn’t too perfect in following my treatment plan or in her daily reporting to me, as per the protocol of our treatment.

I reminded her a few times to start following the protocol better. She suddenly called to say that she wanted to meet me, at the end of three weeks, instead of at the first month end.

She had lost 2 kg in three weeks, but that was not what she wanted to show me, she wanted to show me that the skin of her hands had cleared up substantially and the pain, stiffness and cracking in the joints of her hand and fingers had vanished completely!

What may have caused them to go away? Like everyone else under my care, she was basically eating more or less her own normal, everyday food, only fine tuned just a little by me, to improve her overall nutrition. So it couldn’t be anything normal in her food.

Most people working together in places like IT companies, banks, colleges or schools tend to eat snacks like pizzas, ‘samosas’ and ‘wada pav’ etc. fast food snacks those are easily available to them, depending upon where they work.

Was it because she had stopped eating the ‘samosas’ and ‘wada pav’ those she was probably eating in the college? Did the oil used and reused again and again to fry these snacks, as happens invariably, cause the psoriasis in the first place? Did the trans fatty acids that she consumed through these fast foods cause the dreaded skin disease?

Did stopping consuming these fried foods help clear the illness?

I think yes, stopping these wrong snacks had not only helped her lose weight but had also gotten rid of her psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis!

So it is worthwhile remembering:



Dr. Nitin Gupte:
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