Distance Program

Slimming At Your Home, Anywhere In The World!




Formerly we offered two basic programs. The ‘In-Centre Program’, for people who attended our Centre while the ‘Distance Program’ was the consultation based program for those who were treated at their homes, anywhere in the world.

Both programs were under the care of Dr. Nitin Gupte. Over the years, the ‘In-Centre Program’ had become more of a slimming program with some people also coming to overcome various diseases that accompany obesity.

This program was closed around 2007.

Dr. Nitin Gupte now exclusively looks after only the ‘Distance Program’.

The ‘Distance Program’ is really a program that helps people overcome illnesses like hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, PCOD, infertility and repeated miscarriages after the failure of conventional medical and gynaecological treatments, all over the world!

The treatment essentially revolves around a healthy lifestyle, excellent nutrition based very much on our own, normal, everyday food, regular exercise, adequate rest and mental peace and happiness, exactly what a cardiologist would recommend to keep you positively healthy and safe from obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and strokes!

The ‘Distance Program’ revolves around educating, planning and inspiring people to make small but healthy changes in their lifestyle and normal, everyday food, at least walk regularly, rest adequately and be mentally peaceful and happy!

Most people on our ‘Distance Program’, from Pune to the US, Europe, and South Africa are giving great results on plain walks. But we can plan a variety of cardiovascular exercises like walking, running, jogging, aerobics, dancing, cycling and using cardiovascular equipment for you, depending upon your age, health, fitness, preferences and availability of facilities or equipment.

Most people consulting Dr. Gupte from all over the world on this program, successfully prevent or overcome various pains, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, PCOD, miscarriages and infertility as they lose weight healthily.

Many even get rid of their medication of diseases like hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes.

If you are in Pune, you can personally visit and consult us. You must call and visit us with a prior appointment first for detailed discussion before joining the program. The first visit is absolutely free. You can take a call and join us after you know all the details of programs and all your queries are answered in detail.

Pune people are taking up the ‘Distance Program’ in very large numbers in recent years and are very happy with the results. The program suits those people who are either too busy or stay too far to join our In-House Program.

If you wish to consult from a distant city or country, you can send the Feed Back Form on our website and then the treatment is discussed and planned on phone. The prescription is then mailed to you. You are welcome to personally visit us on any and every subsequent visit to the city.

The ‘Distance Program’ includes daily reporting on WhatsApp, after the first consultation, and also by personal visits, phone or mail, depending upon where you are located. The daily reporting has helped us monitor and advise people on this program on day to day basis, helping them understand and follow our plan better and has improved our results appreciably. Monthly personal visits are available for people from Pune and nearby cities or towns. Non Resident Indians visit whenever they visit home.

This program includes six months of maintenance period after reaching your optimum weight. Once you complete the program in the stipulated time frame, you stay connected for a life time with me.

This system works beautifully anywhere in the world.


How do the programs function?

In every program, you have to fill up and submit the feedback form (with information about your daily food pattern and lifestyle) from our website and pay the fees by bank transfer or cash.

Once I receive the information, I plan and mail you your ideal food plan, keeping it as close to your daily food as possible, and exercises as simple as walking.

This plan is simple enough for you to follow for a lifetime, that’s the only way you can get slim and healthy for a lifetime!

I don’t prescribe ‘diets’, I plan and help you to learn to eat healthy for a lifetime!

Diets are temporary and so are their results, eating healthy is permanent, and so are its results!

After you receive the detailed prescription about your food plan and exercises, most often people under my care, all over the globe simply walk, you have to mail me all your queries and I answer all of them in detail.

Once you understand and appreciate that the plan is easy to follow, you can begin following it, and report as per your plan, viz. daily or weekly on WhatsApp, in the pattern that is already provided to you and you receive appropriate daily advice based on your report.

You start losing weight, the blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides drop down, and HDL, the good cholesterol starts rising. You feel fresh and energetic from the beginning! The skin and hair health improve as you lose weight!

Before the pandemic, people from Pune, personally visited every month for follow up, or whenever they visited Pune, if they were located anywhere else in the world. These visits can now be replaced with a video or an audio call.


The fees structure of this program is based on the height, weight and time frame of the program and the follow up frequency, daily or weekly. Custom made programs are also offered.

Also read the links ‘Slimming Simply and the ‘In-Centre Program’ on this website. Visit ‘Contact Us’ on this website to get in touch with us.