

Hypothyroidism Or Under Active Thyroid Gland

Thyroid is a butterfly shaped endocrine gland situated at the base of the neck, below the prominence of the Adam’s apple, resting on the trachea or the windpipe.

It produces three hormones, the two thyroid hormones called triiodothyronine or T3 and thyroxine or the T4 hormones and calcitonin.

The two thyroid hormones control the metabolic rate, synthesis of proteins and the growth and development of children.

Calcitonin is involved in calcium homeostasis that is, it takes up calcium from the blood and deposits it in bones.

The two thyroid hormones are regulated by thyroid stimulating hormone or TSH, which is secreted by the master endocrine gland, the pituitary and the production of TSH in turn is regulated by a hormone called the thyrotropin releasing hormone or the TRH, produced by the hypothalamus, a part of the brain.

It means the final control of the thyroid gland lies with the brain.


Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism:

When the thyroid gland produces excess thyroid hormones, it results in hyperthyroidism while when it produces low levels of the thyroid hormones, it results in hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism is more common in women and in people over 60.

The commonest cause of hypothyroidism all over the world is deficiency of iodine in food and most countries have tackled the problem by iodising the salt available to its population.

A condition called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or Hashimoto’s disease, an autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland, is the common cause of hypothyroidism in areas where there is no iodine deficiency in the population. It gradually destroys the gland.



Hypothyroidism can cause a variety of symptoms including fatigue, intolerance of cold, slow pulse rate, anaemia, depression, constipation, dyspepsia, muscle weakness, shortness of breath, hoarseness of voice, hair loss, dry, rough skin, weight gain, heavy menstruation in ladies and weight gain.

Apart from depression, hypothyroidism is also known to accompany severe psychiatric disorders like bipolar disorder, mood disorders and schizophrenia.

It can occur also in pregnancy. Not treating hypothyroidism during pregnancy can lead to delayed growth and low intellectual development of the baby.

Mild or sub clinical hypothyroidism too can cause infertility and miscarriages and can also cause a grave pregnancy condition called pre-eclampsia, a condition in which there is rise in the blood pressure and loss of significant amounts of protein in urine. Gestational diabetes is also seen in hypothyroidism in pregnancy.

In mild or sub clinical hypothyroidism the TSH levels are raised but the thyroid hormone levels are normal.


The diagnosis and the treatment:

Many times, the patient of hypothyroidism is the last to complain about the condition. Often a family doctor may suspect the disease seeing sudden weight gain, deteriorated skin and changes in voice in a regular patient plus probably dulled comprehension reflected in speech and eyes, suspects hypothyroidism.

A doctor will usually suspect hypothyroidism when she or he sees that your skin and hair are dry and rough, there is coldness and swelling of extremities and your heart rate is slow (bradycardia). He may also see delayed relaxation of tendons on testing the tendon reflexes and a kind of non pitting oedema called myxoedema.

Thyroid function lab tests include checking the blood levels of the pituitary hormone TSH and levels of the thyroid hormones T3 and T4.

High blood levels of TSH and / or low levels of T3 and T4 are diagnostic of hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism is treated by your doctor with levothyroxine, a synthetic form of the thyroxine hormone or T4.

Levothyroxine is safe in pregnancy.

Your doctor will order regular lab checks of your blood levels of TSH, T3 and T4 (thyroid function test) and adjust the dose of your medication based on the severity of the symptoms and the levels of the hormones, from time to time.

That is the reason why you have to check your thyroid function and see your doctor at regular intervals as advised by your doctor.


The weight gain due to hypothyroidism is of mild to moderate degree. A huge weight gain is unlikely to be caused by hypothyroidism.

Many slimming programs tell people under their treatment that they haven’t lost weight because they have hormonal problems.

The commonest hormonal problems related to obesity are PCOD and hypothyroidism.

It doesn’t matter whether your weight gain is due to PCOD or hypothyroidism.

You still have to eat healthy and at least walk adequately to slim down perfectly and overcome PCOD and most likely help your doctor to reduce your levothyroxine dose considerably.

And people unfailingly do succeed, if they do.

The people on these slimming programs didn’t fail because they had hormonal problems, but because the treatments themselves were unscientific.

Also read the articles, ‘Basics Of Nutrition’, ‘The Science Of Exercise’ and the ‘Simple Steps To Slimming’ and ‘Health Problems Of The Young: PCOD‘ on this website.



थायरॉईड ही एक फुलपाखराच्या आकाराची एन्डोक्रिन ग्लॅन्ड (ग्रंथी) आहे.

ही ग्लॅन्ड गळ्यातील ॲडम्स ॲपल ह्या उचंवट्या खाली ट्रकिया किंवा विंड पाइप वर बसलेली असते.

ती ट्रायआयोडोथायरोनाईन किंवा ‘टी 3’ आणि थायरॉक्झिन किंवा ‘टी 4’ ही दोन थायरॉईड हॉर्मोन्स आणि कॅल्सिटोनिन ही तीन हॉर्मोन्स निर्माण करते.

ह्या पैकी ही दोन थायरॉईड हॉर्मोन्स ही मेटबॉलिझम, प्रोटीन सिन्थेसिस आणि लहान मुलांची वाढ आणि डिव्हेलपमेंट नियंत्रित करते, तर कॅल्सिटोनिन हे रक्तातील कॅल्शियम हाडांमध्ये डिपॉझिट करते.

ही दोन थायरॉईड हॉर्मोन्स पिच्युअटरी ही मास्टर एन्डोक्रिनल ग्लॅन्ड ‘टी एस एच’ (TSH) ह्या हार्मोन ने कंट्रोल करते तर ‘टी एस एच’ हे हार्मोन, मेंदू च्या तळाशी असलेले हायपोथलॅमस, थायरोट्रोपिन रिलीझिंग हार्मोन किंवा ‘टी आर एच’ ने कंट्रोल करते.

म्हणजेच ह्या सर्व हॉर्मोन्स वर नियंत्रण अखेर मेंदू चे असते.


जेव्हा थायरॉईड ग्लॅन्ड गरजे पेक्षा अधिक थायरॉईड हॉर्मोन्स निर्माण करते, तेव्हा हायपरथायरॉयडिझम तर गरजे पेक्षा कमी थायरॉईड हॉर्मोन्स निर्माण करते तेव्हा हायपोथायरॉयडिझम हे आजार निर्माण होतात.

हायपोथायरॉयडिझम हे स्त्रिया आणि वयाच्या साठीच्या पुढच्या लोकांमध्ये अधिक प्रमाणात आढळते.

हायपोथायरॉयडिझम चे जगातील प्रथम कारण अन्नात आयोडीन ची कमी हे आहे.

आणि जगातल्या अनेक देशांनी मीठा मध्ये आयोडीन ॲड केल्याने जगातील हायपोथायरॉयडिझम चे प्रमाण खूप कमी झाले आहे.

जगातील मिठात आयोडीन ॲड केलेल्या भागात, हशिमोटो थायरॉयडायटीस किंवा हशिमोटो डिसीझ हा ऑटोइम्यून आजार हा हायपोथायरॉयडिझम प्रमुख कारण आहे. ह्या आजारात थायरॉईड ग्लॅन्ड हळू हळू नष्ट होते.

हायपोथायरॉयडिझम मध्ये थकवा, थंडी सहन न होणे, स्लो पल्स रेट, डिप्रेशन, कॉनस्टिपेशन, अपचन, स्नायूंचा वीकनेस, श्वास घ्यायला त्रास होणे, आवाजात होर्सनेस येणे, केस रफ होणे आणि गळणे, स्किन रफ होणे, वजन वाढणे, स्त्रियांमध्ये पाळी मध्ये खूप ब्लीडिंग होणे अशी लक्षणे दिसतात.

डिप्रेशन शिवाय ही बायपोलर डिसऑर्डर, मूड डिसऑर्डर्स, स्किट्झोफ्रेनिया ह्या सारखे गंभीर सायकियाट्रिक आजार ही हायपोथायरॉयडिझमशी संबंधित असू शकतात.


हायपोथायरॉयडिझम प्रेग्नन्सी मध्ये ही होऊ शकते.

काही लोकांना प्रेग्नन्सी मध्ये आलेल्या हायपोथायरॉयडिझम वर औषधे घेणे सुरक्षित आहे का ह्याची काळजी वाटते.

प्रत्यक्षात प्रेग्नन्सी मध्ये आलेल्या हायपोथायरॉयडिझम वर औषधे घेणे सुरक्षितच नव्हे तर अत्यावश्यक ही आहे.

प्रेग्नन्सी मध्ये आलेल्या हायपोथायरॉयडिझम वर योग्य उपचार न झाल्यास त्याचा परिणाम बाळाच्या वाढीवर आणि बौधिक विकासावर वर ही होऊ शकतो.

अनेक लोकांमध्ये हायपोथायरॉयडिझम सबक्लिनिकल सुध्दा असू शकते. ह्यात थायरॉईड हॉर्मोन्स च्या लेव्हल्स नॉर्मल असतात पण ‘टी एस एच’ ह्या पिच्युटरी हॉर्मोन च्या लेव्हल्स वाढलेल्या असतात.

अगदी माइल्ड किंवा सबक्लिनिकल हायपोथायरॉयडिझम मुळे सुध्दा वंध्यत्व किंवा प्रेगनन्सी मध्ये आल्यास गर्भपात होऊ शकतो. 

तसेच प्रीइक्लाम्पशिया हा अतिशय गंभीर आजार ही होऊ शकतो. ह्या आजारात ब्लड प्रेशर एकदम वाढते आणि लघवीतून मोठ्या प्रमाणात प्रोटीन्स शरीरा बाहेर पडतात. ह्या आजारातून पुढे आई ला कनव्हलशन्स ही येऊ शकतात, ह्या आजाराला इक्लाम्पशिया म्हणतात. हे आजार आई आणि बाळाच्या जीवाला घातक ठरू शकतात.


डायग्नोसिस आणि ट्रीटमेंट

हायपोथायरॉयडिझम ह्या आजारात सुरुवातीला तर पेशंट स्वत: काहीच तक्रार न करण्याची शक्यता असते, कारण तिला काही त्रास न जाणवण्याची शक्यता असते.

बऱ्याच वेळा नेहमीच्या पेशंट चे वजन अचानक थोडे फार वाढलेले दिसणे, आवाजात बदल (होर्सनेस, आवाज बसल्या सारखा, काहीसा घोगरा) झालेला जाणवणे, पेशंटच्या हालचाली आणि आकलन (कॉम्प्रिहेन्शन) मंदावलेले दिसणे, केस आणि स्किन ड्राय आणि रफ झालेले दिसणे असे बदल जाणवल्याने फॅमिली डॉक्टरांनाच हायपोथायरॉयडिझम चा संशय येऊ शकतो.

पण हल्ली फॅमिली डॉक्टर ही संस्थाच (इन्स्टीट्यूशन) फारशी शिल्लक नसल्याने, असे डायग्नोसिस होणे इतर काही कारणांसाठी कन्सल्टंट ने तपासल्या आणि ब्लड टेस्ट केल्यावरच होणे अधिक संभवते.

डॉक्टरांसाठी तपासणीत तुमचे केस आणि स्किन ड्राय आणि रफ असलेले आढळणे, हात पाय काहीसे थंड असणे आणि त्यांवर सूज सापडणे, आणि हार्ट रेट स्लो असल्याचे दिसणे, स्किन वर दाबून पाहिल्यास खड्डा न पडणारी सूज (नॉन पिटिंग इडीमा, ह्याला मिक्सिडीमा म्हणतात) दिसणे आणि स्लो रिलॅक्सेशन ऑफ टेंडन रीफ्लेक्स आढळणे ह्या हायपोथायरॉयडिझम च्या साईन्स असतात.

थायरॉईड फन्क्शन ह्या ब्लड टेस्ट्स मध्ये ‘टी एस एच’, ‘टी 3’ आणि ‘टी 4’ ह्या थायरॉईड हॉर्मोन्सच्या लेव्हल्स तपासल्या जातात.

हायपोथायरॉयडिझम मध्ये फक्त ‘टी एस एच’ च्या लेव्हल्स वाढलेल्या आढळतात किंवा टी 3 आणि टी 4 ह्यांच्या लेव्हल्स कमी झालेल्या ही आढळतात.

तुमचे डॉक्टर तुम्हाला लीव्होथायरॉक्झिन ह्या सिंथेटीक थायरॉक्झिन हॉर्मोन सप्लिमेंट देऊन तुमचे हायपोथायरॉइडिझम ट्रीट करतात.

लीव्होथायरॉक्झिन घेणे प्रेग्नन्सी मध्ये ही सुरक्षित असते. आणि तुमच्या डॉक्टरांनी ते प्रिस्क्राईब केले तर ते घेणे अत्यावश्यक ही आहे.

तुमचे डॉक्टर तुम्हाला ठराविक महिन्यांनी थायरॉईड फन्क्शन रिपोर्ट करून घेऊन चेकअप साठी बोलावतात आणि तुमची लक्षणे आणि रीपोर्ट वरून तुमचा लीव्होथायरॉक्झिन चा डोस अजस्ट करतात, म्हणजेच तो काही वेळा थोडा कमी जास्त ही होऊ शकतो.

त्यामुळे नियमित थायरॉईड फन्क्शन चेक करणे आणि तुमच्या डॉक्टरांना नियमित भेटणे आवश्यक आहे.


हायपोथायरॉयडिझम मुळे होणारे वेट गेन थोडे ते मध्यम स्वरूपाचे असते. तुमचे वजन खूप वाढलेले असेल, तर ते हायपोथायरॉयडिझम मुळे असण्याची शक्यता कमी असते.

जर तुमची वजनाची ट्रीटमेंट देणारे, तुमचे वजन हॉर्मोन्स मुळे कमी होत नाही, असे सांगत असतील, तर ते खोटे आहे.

त्यांच्या ट्रीटमेंट वर तुमचे वजन कमी होत नसेल, तर ते त्यांची ट्रीटमेंट अनसायंटिफिक असल्याने आहे, ते तुम्ही कमी पडल्याने किंवा तुमच्या हॉर्मोन्स मुळे नाही हे लक्षात ठेवा!

वजन वाढवू शकणारे दोन कॉमन एन्डोक्रिनल आजार म्हणजे पीसीओडी आणि हायपोथायरॉईडिझम.

तुम्ही जर योग्य, संतुलित आहार घेतला आणि पुरेसे चालला तर हायपोथायरॉयडिझम काय किंवा पीसीओडी काय, तुमचे वजन कमी होणे थांबवू शकत नाहीत!

आणि तुमचे वजन कमी झाले तर तुमचे डॉक्टर तुमचा लीव्होथायरॉक्झिनचा डोस कमी ही करू शकतात किंवा तुम्हाला पीसीओडी असेल तर तो रिव्हर्स ही होऊ शकतो.

त्या साठी उपासमार किंवा अतिरेकी व्यायाम ह्या दोन्हींची अजिबात गरज नाही! h

Uric Acid, Gout And Kidney Stones!

Raised Levels Of Blood Uric Acid, Gout And Kidney Stones!

Many people suffer from raised levels of uric acids in their blood.

Often this condition is found in routine renal function tests.

Most often this condition is ignored if the rise is borderline.

But left untreated, long term rise in uric acid could cause chronic illnesses like gout and renal stones and kidney and heart disease.

What exactly are these diseases?


Certain foods that we eat contain chemicals called purines.

Uric acid is formed when purines are broken down by our body.

Uric acid dissolves in blood and it is transported to the kidneys and they excrete it out of our body in urine, maintaining the blood uric acid levels normal (3.5 to 7.2 mg / dL).

If the blood uric acid levels rise above 7.2 mg / dL, the condition is called hyperuricemia.

If excess uric acid is accumulated in our body, it may get deposited in our joints in the form of uric acid crystals causing a very painful form of arthritis called gout.

They may also settle in the kidneys forming kidney stones.

If the condition is not treated it can cause permanent bone, joint, tissue and kidney damage and can also lead to heart disease.

Researchers have also found links between hyperuricemia and high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and fatty liver.


Foods high in purines are:

Sea food like salmon and sardines and shell fish shrimps (prawns) and lobsters.

Red meat.

Organ meats like liver.

Sugar sweetened foods like sweetened cereals, bakery products, candies.

Alcohol, especially beers and distilled liquors and also non alcoholic beers.

Certain vegetables like spinach, asparagus.


Signs and symptoms of gout:

When the blood uric acid levels remain high for long time sharp needle like crystals of uric acid or urate crystals get deposited in some joints and tissues around the joints.

This causes the joints to become hot, red, swollen and tender. The pain is severe and comes on quickly and peaks in less than twelve to twenty four hours.

The joint at the base of the big toe is affected in half the cases, but the heal, knee, wrists, finger joints too can be affected.

Such attacks can recur frequently, unless treated.

Some people may also develop hard, painless deposits of uric acid crystals called tophi. These too can cause bone damage and arthritis.

Gout appears to affect elderly males more often. It is also associated with metabolic syndrome, presence of abdominal obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance and abnormal lipid profile including high triglyceride levels. So people with hypertension and diabetes are also at a greater risk of developing it.

Gout affects habitual beer drinkers and those who drink a lot of sweetened drinks. It also affects people who habitually consume purine rich foods like some fishes including shell fish like prawns and lobsters and red meats.

Some vegetables like cauliflower, asparagus, spinach, mushrooms, green peas and chickpeas (chana in Marathi) and fava beans (wal papadi in Marathi) and some dried beans too have high levels of purines.

But the plant purines have not been found to cause gout attacks as much as the animal purines.

And some individuals report different vegetables triggering gout attacks in them, including some vegetables not high in purines, e.g. tomatoes.

It probably means some factors other than purines may have a role to play in these attacks.

So such people might want to avoid foods those trigger gout attacks in them, irrespective of their purine content.

Dietary precautions may reduce the recurrence or the severity of gout attacks, but they cannot replace medication to control hyperuricemia and the attacks of gout or prevent further joint damage due to hyperuricemia.

In short, medications lowering blood uric acid levels are essential even if you watch your food and avoid foods those trigger gout attacks.


Diagnosis of gout:

Presence of hyperuricemia is not the same as gout.

Gout is diagnosed if uric acid crystals are found in the fluid drawn from the swollen joints or by special imaging diagnostic procedures like ultrasound, X Ray and CAT scan.


Treatment of hyperuricemia and gout:

Avoid red meat, organ meat and alcohol, especially beers.

Avoid the sugar sweetened foods viz. sweetened cereals, bakery products, candies

Sea food includes healthy proteins and healthy fats including the omega 3 fatty acids.

The health benefits of sea food on general and heart health outweighs the risk of hyperuricemia.

So you can have sea food in moderation.

Consuming vegetables like spinach and asparagus have not been seen to cause hyperuricemia. So they needn’t be excluded from your food.

Eat well balanced, wholesome food and exercise regularly to lose weight, if you are overweight.

Drink ample water to help the kidneys to excrete uric acid build up in the blood and the kidneys.

Taking Vitamin C may help.

Dietary exclusion of high purine foods will not be sufficient to lower blood uric acid levels or to prevent the gout attacks.

Your doctor will prescribe specific drugs to lower your blood uric acid levels.

Your doctor will also prescribe anti inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) to reduce the pain and duration of the attack.

Kidney stones may get get flushed out in urine.

They may require surgical intervention if they don’t get flushed out.

Also read ‘Basics Of Nutrition’ and ‘Simple Steps To Slimming’ on this website.

Fatty Liver Disease Or Hepatic Steatosis

Kinds Of Fatty Liver Disease Or Hepatic Steatosis

Obese people have a greater risk of developing hypertension, diabetes and heart disease, than the slim people.

And most obese people know that they are at greater risk of developing these diseases.

And more obese people have fatty liver disease than heart disease, but most are totally unaware that they may have fatty liver disease and that is as dangerous a disease as hypertension or diabetes!

And few obese people know that they have this disease!

Most often fatty liver disease is diagnosed accidentally when an abdominal sonography is done for some other reason.


Fatty liver disease is also known as hepatic steatosis or fatty degeneration of liver.

It affects both alcoholics and nonalcoholics or those who drink very little.

Thus fatty liver disease is of two types, alcoholic fatty liver disease and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD.

Both diseases are characterised by build up of excess fat in the liver cells.

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD is affecting increasingly greater number of people all over the world, more so in the Western world.

Some people suffering from Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease or NAFLD develop nonalcoholic steatohepatitis or NASH.

Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis or NASH is a more aggressive form of fatty liver disease in which there is inflammation of the liver cells and it can progress to scarring of the liver tissue leading to liver cirrhosis and liver failure.

Thus the progression of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis or NASH could be similar to the severe alcoholic hepatitis seen amongst heavy alcoholics.

More than 90 per cent of heavy alcoholics develop fatty liver disease while 25 per cent develop the severe alcoholic hepatitis ending in liver cirrhosis and liver failure.

While children too suffer from non alcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD, older people, especially males, are affected much more often.



Experts do not yet know why some people develop non alcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD and why some of them progress to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis or NASH and develop liver cirrhosis and liver failure.

But both are linked to

Over weight or obesity, especially abdominal obesity

Hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance

Hyperglycaemia or high blood sugar levels, pre diabetes or diabetes

Hypertriglyceridemia or high levels triglycerides or circulating fats in blood

These conditions could be helping build up of excess fat in the liver, causing NAFLD and in some this fat could be acting as a toxin to the liver cells and causing inflammation and scarring in them, causing NASH.


Signs and symptoms:

Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease or NAFDL may have no symptoms but some times there can be fatigue and pain or discomfort in upper right hand area of the abdomen where the liver lies within the body.

Signs and symptoms of people with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis or NASH are the same as those of advance scarring and cirrhosis of liver seen in cirrhosis in severe alcoholic hepatitis:

Swelling of abdomen due to ascites or accumulation of fluid in abdominal cavity.

Enlarged blood vessels under the skin.

Yellowing of skin and eyes due to jaundice.

Red palms.

Enlarged spleen.


Other risk factors associated with development of NAFLD and NASH:


Hypercholesterolemia or high levels of cholesterol

Metabolic syndrome: Abdominal obesity, hypertension, high levels of blood sugar and triglycerides and low levels of HDL cholesterol


Type II diabetes

Sleep apnea

Under active thyroid gland

Under active pituitary gland


Complications or progression

The fatty liver disease can end up in development of inflammation and scarring resulting in liver cirrhosis.

Ascites or abdominal swelling due to fluid build up.

Swelling of veins in oesophagus or oesophageal varices, which can rupture causing bleeding

Liver cancer

Confusion, drowsiness, slurred speech, delirium due to hepatic encephalitis

Complete liver failure meaning liver stops functioning altogether


Treatment and prevention:

Eating healthy, well balanced food

Exercising regularly

Losing and maintaining weight at a healthy level.

Also read the articles ‘Basics Of Nutrition’, ‘Designing A Healthy Weight Loss Food Plan’, and ‘Simple Steps To Slimming’ on this website.

Acute And Chronic Inflammation!

The Root Cause Of Diseases Like Diabetes, Heart Disease And Cancers!

Everyone knows hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, arthritis and cancers.

Few know that the root cause of these dangerous disease is inflammation!

What is inflammation?

We have all experienced injuries from our childhood when we fell and scratched our skin of legs and hands etc. We develop redness, swelling, pain and the area also becomes hot, and possibly bleeding if there is a wound, more than a mere scratch.

The redness, swelling, pain and heat are due to acute inflammation of the tissues of the area.

This is inflammation.

It is natural part of the process of healing of our bodies.

This is part of the body’s defence mechanism.

Inflammation can be acute and chronic.

Acute inflammation:

Whenever our body suffers from an injury or encounters an infection or a toxic substance, its immune system, which is the body’s defence mechanism, swings into action and unleashes its inflammatory cells and substances called cytokines at the site of injury.

Cytokines further stimulate more inflammatory cells to be unleashed in the area. The inflammatory cells trap and eliminate the invading bacteria or viruses or the toxin to initiate the healing process of the body.

This process causes pain, heat, redness and swelling. There may be some loss of function as the painful hand or leg becomes stiff as movement causes pain.

This is the process of acute inflammation which helps protect and heal the body after the injury. This process is healthy.

Chronic inflammation:

But sometimes the process of acute inflammation continues too long, even after the threat of the injury is over and the body continues to produce inflammatory cells which begin to attack healthy body tissues.

Untreated acute inflammation from infections, injury or toxins, chronic exposure to pollution or industrial toxins and autoimmune disorders lead to chronic inflammation.

Unchecked, this continuous state of inflammation becomes chronic inflammation and leads to diseases like diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, Alzheimer’s disease and cancers.

In fact the root cause of almost all chronic diseases is chronic inflammation.

Chronic stress, bad food, complete lack of exercise or long term high intensity over exercise, obesity, smoking, regular alcohol consumption can also cause chronic inflammation.

The foods causing chronic inflammation:

Fried foods, fast foods.

Frozen meats cured with nitrites to preserve them and prevent growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Refined oils and trans fats.

Foods like pastries, white bread, bakery products prepared with sugar, refined carbohydrates like rava, maida, refined corn flour.

Life style factors leading to chronic inflammation:


Complete lack of exercise or exercising to the maximum limit too frequently.

Smoking, drinking alcohol.

Continuous stress.

Long term exposure to smoke and other air pollutants.

Treating inflammation:

Acute inflammation is easier to treat with rest, ice and good wound care.

Chronic inflammation is treated by nutritional supplements like Vitamins A, C and D and zinc and omega 3 or fish oil supplements and inclusion of fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, low fat dairy, sea food and anti inflammatory spices like turmeric, garlic and ginger in food.

Preventing chronic inflammation:

Eating healthy.

Exercising moderately and regularly three to five times, daily better.

Maintaining healthy weight.

Keeping stress away by using techniques like meditation, yoganidra and pranayam.

Stopping smoking and avoiding drinking alcohol or keeping its consumption to the minimum.

Avoiding exposure to smoke and pollution.

Preventing chronic inflammation is preventing most chronic diseases!

So the pathway to healthy living is to eat healthy, exercising regularly, staying slim and stress free, avoiding smoking, alcohol and exposure to pollution.

Also read articles ‘Preventing Hypertension’, ‘Preventing Diabetes’ and ‘Heart Heathy Diet And Lifestyle!’ on this website.

Choosing A Healthy Cooking Oil!

How To Choose A Healthy Cooking Oil!

This is a delicate and controversial issue, involving complex scientific research which is still underway and emotions and geographical preferences and commercial interests of oil seed producers and the oil industry.

We have already seen in the ‘Heart Health Poster Boy Olive Oil Vs Groundnut Oil’ article on this website that the best oils nutritionally are groundnut oil for Indian style cooking and olive oil for Western type low temperature cooking or cold dressing oil.

Both oils are heart healthy and anti inflammatory oils.


All oils are principally made up of three kinds of fatty acids, viz. monounsaturated, saturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids.


Monounsaturated fatty acids:

Monounsaturated fatty acids are healthy fats found in various nuts like groundnuts, almonds, cashews and hazelnuts and avocados and in olive and groundnut oils. They are liquid at room temperature but may start to solidify when chilled.

They can help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) levels, lowering the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Some studies suggest they improve insulin sensitivity and help in managing blood sugar levels and that they may also help reduce inflammation, which is linked to chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.

Replacing saturated and trans fats in your food with monounsaturated fats can help prevent diabetes, heart disease and can promote better overall health.


Saturated fatty acids:

Oils rich in saturated fats are coconut, palm and palm kernel oils.

Saturated fats raise LDL cholesterol, which is harmful to heart health and their consumption leads to heart disease and strokes.

The saturated fatty acids in coconut oil have been portrayed by some to be a medium chain triglycerides (MCT) rich oil which is supposed to be absorbed directly in the portal vein and transported straight to the liver which uses it up immediately for energy and that it is not stored as fat, and hence it is said to be healthy.

This is true for a special formulation coconut oil composed of hundred per cent medium chain triglycerides, used as a special nutritional supplement for pre term, low birth weight babies and critically ill ICU patients, not for regular coconut oil. Regular, commercially available coconut oil is rich in lauric acid and other saturated fatty acids, which function as long chain triglycerides and are absorbed slowly and raise the LDL cholesterol levels leading to heart disease and strokes.


Polyunsaturated fatty acids:

Polyunsaturated fatty acids include the omega 6 and the omega 3 fatty acids.

Omega 6 (Linoleic) fatty acids trigger inflammatory processes in the body causing damage to tissues and vital organs while omega 3 (Linolenic) fatty acids reduce the inflammatory processes and protect the tissues and vital organs from inflammatory damage.

Thus oils rich in the omega 6 oils lead to diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and strokes while fats rich in omega 3 protect us from these diseases.


Monounsaturated fatty acids to polyunsaturated fatty acids ratio:

A high monounsaturated fatty acids to polyunsaturated fatty acids ratio oils help lower total cholesterol and the bad cholesterol, the LDL cholesterol and increase the good cholesterol, the HDL cholesterol and also reduce the inflammatory processes in the body, thus protecting us from, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and strokes.


Comparisons of various oils:

Safflower seed oil:

Safflower seed oil is low in monounsaturated (oleic) fatty acids, 15 per cent, very high in omega 6 (Linoleic) fatty acids, 77 per cent and has zero omega 3 (Linolenic) fatty acids.

Thus it has a very bad monounsaturated fatty acids to polyunsaturated fatty acids ratio and completely lacs omega 3 (Linolenic) fatty acids.

Sunflower seed oil:

Sunflower seed oil is low in monounsaturated (oleic) fatty acids, 25 per cent, very high in omega 6 (Linoleic) fatty acids, 64 per cent and is very low in omega 3 (Linolenic) fatty acids, 0 to 3 per cent.

Thus it too has a bad monounsaturated fatty acids to polyunsaturated fatty acids ratio and completely or nearly completely lacs omega 3 (Linolenic) fatty acids.

Soy oil:

Soy oil is rich in omega 6 (Linoleic) fatty acids, 54 per cent and lower in monounsaturated (oleic) fatty acids, 23 per cent plus it has 10 per cent saturated fatty acids too.

Thus it has a bad monounsaturated fatty acids to polyunsaturated fatty acids ratio and also has substantial saturated fats.

Rice bran oil:

Rice bran oil has 41.4 per cent monounsaturated (oleic) fatty acids, about 35 per cent omega 6 (Linoleic) fatty acids and about 20 per cent saturated fatty acids.

Thus it doesn’t have a high monounsaturated fatty acids to polyunsaturated fatty acids ratio and is also high in saturated fatty acids.

Cotton seed oil:

Cotton seed oil is rich in omega 6 (Linoleic) fatty acids, 55 per cent, low in monounsaturated (oleic) fatty acids, 17 per cent and high in saturated fatty acids, 22 to 29 per cent.

Thus it has a bad monounsaturated fatty acids to polyunsaturated fatty acids ratio and is also high in saturated fatty acids.

Sesame oil:

Sesame oil has 43 per cent each monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids and 13 per cent saturated fatty acids.

Thus it too lacks a high monounsaturated to polyunsaturated fatty acids ratio.

Canola oil:

Canola oil has a very favourable fatty acid composition, about 57 to 65 per cent monounsaturated fatty acids, 17 to 21 omega 6 fatty acid, about 12 per cent omega 3 fatty acids and about 6 per cent saturated fatty acids.

But it comes from a genetically modified plant and is an industry manufactured oil.

Mustard oil:

Mustard oil in fact has a very good balance of the monounsaturated fatty acids to the polyunsaturated fatty acids (60 gm to 21 gm per 100 gm of oil) as well as the omega 6 to the plant source omega 3 or ALA (15 gm to 6 gm per 100 gm of oil ratio).

But it also has the erucic acid, an omega 6 fatty acid that has been connected to heart disease.

Also its pungent odour and taste are unacceptable to most people in our region.

Flaxseed oil:

Flaxseed oil has 9 gm saturated fatty acids, 18 gm monounsaturated fatty acids and almost 75 gm polyunsaturated fatty acids, of which 18 gm is omega 6 fatty acids and 55 to 58 gm plant source omega 3 or ALA fatty acids.

Thus it has a very poor monounsaturated to polyunsaturated fatty acids ratio, not very conducive to heart health.

Also the oil is easily oxidised when exposed to light, air and heat. Its smoking point is low, hence it is unsuitable to Indian style high temperature cooking and it has to stored in a refrigerator to prevent its oxidation.

It can at best be used as cold dressing oil as a small supplement to the main cooking oil.


Industry Manufactured Oils versus Cold Pressed Oils:

Industry manufactured oils like soya oil, rice bran oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, safflower seed oil (kardai), Canola oil, cottonseed oil are considered bad fats by many nutritionists.

The use of heat and chemicals in extracting and refining these oils alters their fatty acid structures and trans fats and other toxic substances are developed in them, turning them unhealthy.

Cold pressed oils in contrast retain the original fatty acids composition of their oil seeds.

Today many researchers are asking us to shun all industrially produced oils and recommend cold pressed oils.


Groundnut Oil and Olive Oil:

That leaves us with the choice of cold pressed groundnut oil and olive oil!

Both oils have similar ability to control inflammation.

Olive oil has a better monounsaturated to omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids than groundnut oil.

But olive oil which has a comparatively lower smoking point than groundnut oil cannot be considered as a premium cooking and frying oil for Indian style of cooking which involves deep frying.

Groundnut oil reportedly has greater oxidative stability and higher smoking point as compared to olive oil and has been considered as a premium cooking and frying oil as compared to olive oil. Gomez et. al., 2003 have shown that the phenolic compounds in extra virgin olive oil get damaged very quickly by heat along with a loss of Vitamin E.

The preliminary analysis of blood samples from people who have been consuming groundnut and olive oil since one year do not show any significant differences in the biochemical parameters assessed.

Only it is important to consume groundnut oil in moderation, to keep our omega 6 fatty acids consumption low.

But this is true of any other oil as excess oil consumption will also lead to obesity.

Studies have also shown that resveratrol, a phenolic antioxidant present in groundnuts reduces the risk of vascular disease caused by angiotensin a hormone that causes the arteries to contract and leads to raised blood pressure which damages the endothelial lining of the arteries leading to heart disease and strokes, amongst damage to other organs. Resveratrol also protects the arteries by increasing the vasodilator hormone, nitric oxide.

Groundnuts also are high in the powerful antioxidant, Vitamin E, which protects the cells of the mucosa and skin from the damage caused by oxygen free radicals.

Thus we can conclude that groundnut oil could be the better choice of oils for Indians, than olive oil, both nutritionally as well as economically.


In short, if you live in India and your oil consumption is moderate, you can safely use groundnut oil.

If you live in India and cook your food at low temperature and don’t mind spending extra money on your oil, or if you use oil only as salad dressing oil or  cook your food at low temperature and live in the US or Europe, you can use olive oil.


Achieving a healthy balance of fatty acids:

Groundnut or olive oil do not provide us with sea source omega 3 fatty acids.

Sea source omega 3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA) are essential for the maintenance of heart, brain and eye health and in preventing inflammation associated with chronic disease like arthritis, asthma and some autoimmune disorders. They are also essential for the proper development of the foetal brain and eyes.

That is why it is important that we maintain a proper balance of healthy of fats in our food.

We can do so by consuming sea fish or omega 3 supplements twice or thrice a week to supplement the monounsaturated fatty acids provided by groundnut or olive oils.

Also read the articles ‘Heart Health Poster Boy Olive Oil Vs Groundnut Oil’, The Good And The Bad Fats’ and the ‘Basics Of Nutrition’ on this website.

Heart Health Poster Boy Olive Oil Vs Groundnut Oil!

Choosing Between Olive Oil And Groundnut Oil!

Hit the internet to search for foods to fight inflammation and the chronic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and heart disease resulting from it and it invariably comes up with one particular food, the heart health poster boy, the extra virgin olive oil.

Researchers have for sometime now been advising us to use cold pressed monounsaturated dominant oils and olive oil suits the bill perfectly. But so does groundnut oil, also called peanut oil.

But olive oil, especially the extra virgin olive oil has been heavily promoted by the Western World as the poster boy of heart health!

The imported and expensive extra virgin olive oil, while out of reach of the average Indian homes, has found its way into the kitchens of the homes of the affluent Indians, probably in a big way!

Let us see how the homegrown, unglamorous, unadvertised and much cheaper cold pressed groundnut oil compares with extra virgin olive oil, as anti inflammatory and heart healthy oil.


Both oils are cold pressed monounsaturated fatty acids dominant oils which have lower amounts of saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Researchers have known for some time now, that exactly this kind of oils are heart healthy, as they raise the levels of HDL cholesterol and lower levels of LDL cholesterol and they also have anti inflammatory properties.

Recent studies also show, that for a healthy lipid profile a high monounsaturated fatty acid to polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio is desirable and also high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids are beneficial in regulating blood sugar levels.

In this respect, olive oil is superior to groundnut oil as it has higher levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids than olive oil.


A team of researchers at The Department Of Biochemistry, Shree Venkateswara College, University Of Delhi, has conducted a year long study of the effects of both oils on various health parameters of people consuming the two oils, including lipid profile, blood glucose, liver function efficiency, antioxidant status (lipid peroxides and antioxidant enzymes) and inflammatory properties (nitric oxide) in blood samples collected from populations who have been consuming olive oil  or groundnut oil as a staple oil for at least one year.

The study did not include diabetic patients, but it showed that the blood sugars levels of people in the study were normal at the end of the year.

The study showed that both olive and groundnut oils matched each other in their performance of keeping the HDL cholesterol levels high and total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels low at the end of one year. If any, groundnut oil people showed up slightly lower levels of triglycerides.

Both groups showed normal liver function meaning both groups had normal metabolism and no metabolic syndrome.

One of the marketing strategies of olive oil is that it contains increased amount of polyphenols / antioxidants which help reduce oxidative stress and promote overall health in consumers. So both oils were investigating for these activities and it was found that groundnut oil consumers also showed the same lipid peroxide levels as the olive oil consumers, adequate activity of antioxidant enzymes and comparable levels of nitric oxide, indicating that ground nut oil was as effective as olive oil on providing protection against oxidative damage and stress.

Also olive oil which has a comparatively lower smoking point than groundnut oil cannot be considered as a premium cooking and frying oil for Indian style of cooking which involves deep frying.

Groundnut oil reportedly has greater oxidative stability and higher smoking point as compared to olive oil and has been considered as a premium cooking and frying oil as compared to olive oil. Gomez et. al., 2003 have shown that the phenolic compounds in extra virgin olive oil gets damaged very quickly by heat along with a loss of Vitamin E.

The preliminary analysis of blood samples from people who have been consuming groundnut and olive oil since one year do not show any significant differences in the biochemical parameters assessed.

Although more research is needed, the contention of the researchers is that groundnut oil could be the better choice of oils for Indians, than olive oil, both nutritionally as well as economically.


Studies have also shown that resveratrol, a phenolic antioxidant present in groundnuts reduces the risk of vascular disease caused by angiotensin a hormone that causes the arteries to contract and leads to raised blood pressure which damages the endothelial lining of the arteries leading to heart disease and strokes, amongst damage to other organs. Resveratrol also protects the arteries by increasing the vasodilator hormone, nitric oxide.

Groundnuts also are high in the powerful antioxidant, Vitamin E, which protects the cells of the mucosa and skin from the damage caused by oxygen free radicals.


In short, if you live in India and your oil consumption is moderate, you can safely use groundnut oil.

If you cook your food at low temperature and don’t mind spending extra money on your oil, or if you cook your food at low temperature and live in the US or Europe, you can use olive oil.

Also read the articles ’Basics Of Nutrition’ and the ‘The Good And The Bad Fats’ on this website.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids!

Health Benefits Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids!

Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are the three macronutrients of our nutrition.

Fats are composed of fatty acids.

Fatty acids are of four types, the monounsaturated fatty acids, the polyunsaturated fatty acids, the saturated fatty acids and the trans fatty acids.

Of these, the body can synthesise most of the fatty acids from other fatty acids, except the polyunsaturated fatty acids. Hence they must to be acquired from food. So they are also called the essential fatty acids.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids include Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.

The omega 3 fatty acids are majorly of three types, namely the Eicosapentaenoic acid  or EPA, docosahexaenoic acid or DHA and Alpha-linolenic acid or ALA.

Of these the DHA and EPA are the sea source or marine omega 3 and ALA is the plant source omega 3.

Marine algae are rich in the DHA and EPA.

Marine fish get the DHA and EPA from these algae.

We get DHA and the EPA fatty acids from these marine fish and ALA from plant sources, like walnuts, some oils like mustard oil and soy oil, flax seeds and flaxseed oil and leafy vegetables.

Seaweed, nori, spirulina, chlorella are some of the sea algae which contain DHA and EPA omega 3 fatty acids, but vegetarian people knowing about them or the chances of their being available and being consumed in India are slim.

Omega 3 are an important constituent of the cell membrane of all tissues of the body, they also have a role to play in the functioning of the receptors on the cell membrane and their genetic functions and in the formation of hormones essential for blood clotting, contraction and relaxation of the arterial walls and in the prevention of inflammation in the walls of the arteries.

Inflammation of the arterial walls leads to the development of arteriosclerosis or hardening and thickening of the arteries which lose their elasticity and this causes the blood pressure to go up.

This inflammation also causes atherosclerosis or development of plaques in and on the arterial walls.

This leads to narrowing of the arteries leading to heart disease, strokes and kidney disease depending upon which arteries are affected.

By preventing or reducing this inflammation, omega 3 help protect us against coronary artery (heart) disease and strokes.

They also help relieve the symptoms of metabolic syndrome.

They help lower blood pressure, regulate and lower the heart rate and improve the functioning of the arteries. They prevent irregular heart rhythm and arrhythmias, which accounts for majority of the cardiac deaths in the US and also kill lacs of people all over the world, every year.

DHA is also essential for the proper development of the brain and other parts of the nervous system of a baby from the first trimester of the mother’s pregnancy to the time the baby is two years old.

Marine omega 3 also help prevent ADHD and reduce the severity of asthma in children.

One large study (GISSI Prevention Trial) has found that heart attack survivors put on daily 1 gm supplement of omega 3 for three years were less likely to have another heart attack or stroke or die suddenly than those who took placebo.

In a recent Japan EPA Lipid Intervention Study (JELIS), it was found that those who took an EPA supplement along with statin (cholesterol lowering group of drugs) were less likely to suffer from a sudden cardiac event than those who took only statin.

So along with the evidence that they prevent heart disease and strokes, omega-3 fats have been shown to help control lupus, eczema, and rheumatoid arthritis, and may play protective roles in some cancer and other conditions.

Omega 3 are also beneficial for the health of the skin and the eyes.

By reducing inflammation, they help reduce acne lesions, improve hydration of the skin and help reduce redness, dryness and itching of skin in different conditions like dermatitis and psoriasis, helps relieve symptoms of sun burns due to ultraviolet A and B rays. They also help wound healing.

They are an important constituent of the structure of the retina and are essential for the health of the eye and vision. They are also linked to a reduced risk of macular degeneration which is one of the major reasons of blindness in the world.

They are also linked to lowered risk of depression and anxiety and relieve symptoms like sadness, lethargy and lack of interest in life and fear, panic and restlessness.


Are there any alternative sources of marine omega 3, DHA and EPA?

Unfortunately most of the health benefits of omega 3 are due to the marine omega 3, DHA and EPA.

The plant source omega 3 or ALA doesn’t have the same benefits.

A small amount of ALA is converted by our bodies into marine omega 3 at a slow pace, but this is not enough, so non fish eaters lose out on the benefits of marine omega 3, which are obtained only by eating marine fish.

Contrary to the claims made by some poultry industries, eggs of chicken fed on flax seeds do not have much marine omega 3.

So the only source of marine omega 3 remains marine fish or fish oil.

But the fact remains that purely vegetarian people too can live long and healthy life.

So don’t try to eat fish if you have never eaten it!


How much sea fish is enough to get adequate omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA?

Adults should eat about 170 gm sea fish twice a week and children between the ages of 2 to 8 years between 40 to 85 gm and children over 9 years between 115 to 140 gm twice a week to get enough of the two omega 3 fatty acids.


How to cook fish to preserve more of the omega 3 available in the fish?

Boiling, steaming or cooking fish in a gravy, or baking it at 200 degrees for 20 minutes or smoking fish (not a common practice in India) can preserve much of the omega 3 in fish.

Cooking fish in a microwave at 200 degrees or lower temperature can also help retain most of the omega 3 intact.

The key to keeping the healthy omega 3 in your sea fish intact on cooking appears to be cooking it at a lower temperature than about 200 degrees and cooking it quickly in about 20 minutes, may even be at a lower temperature if for a little longer time frame.

Higher temperatures and longer cooking time completely alters the chemical structure of the fatty acids in the fish so it doesn’t resemble the original chemical structure of the fish lipids. High heat also helps develop the very harmful trans fatty acids and some other toxic substances in fish.

Deep frying or pan frying fish or cooking it in a tandoor are all done at high temperature which destroys most of the omega 3 in fish

Canning fish also destroys much or most of the omega 3 in fish.

Also read the articles ‘Basics Of Nutrition’, ‘The Good And The Bad Fats’ and the ‘Effect Of Cooking On Omega 3 In Fish’ on this website.

Understanding Pre Diabetes!

The Threat Of Pre Diabetes!

Even when I started my pioneering obesity clinic in Pune four decades ago, it was clear that we were fast becoming the world capital of diabetes and heart disease!

But the threat of a condition called pre diabetes was not as commonly recognised then as it is today.

Currently the commonest fear with which young people are approaching me to help them get over their weight and health issues is the threat of going from pre diabetes to full blown diabetes!

What exactly is pre diabetes?

Pre diabetes is a condition in which the blood sugar levels are raised above normal but are still lower than the diagnostic levels of diabetes.

The HbA1c or the glycated haemoglobin levels lie between 5.7 and 6.4 per cent, just below the diagnostic levels of diabetes, 6.5 per cent and above.

Pre diabetes is a condition that is part of the metabolic syndrome, characterised by obesity, especially abdominal obesity, hypertension, raised levels of triglycerides and LDL, the bad cholesterol and lowered levels of HDL, the good cholesterol.

LDL cholesterol causes blocks in the coronary arteries which leads to heart disease and myocardial infarctions or heart attacks and HDL cholesterol cleanses the coronary arteries off these blocks and protects us from heart disease.

Pre diabetes is considered the stepping stone towards developing diabetes and some of the complications of diabetes can affect the pre diabetics too.

Pre diabetes is diagnosed by checking the the blood sugar fasting and post prandial levels, the glucose tolerance test, the HbA1c, the blood insulin levels and the lipid profile. Abdominal obesity and hypertension confirm the presence of pre diabetes.

Pre diabetes may not have any recognisable signs and symptoms, that makes it even more difficult to diagnose.

But some people may have the same symptoms as those of diabetes, like excessive thirst, increased urination and fatigue and they could indicate that you aught to rule out pre diabetes and diabetes.

If you are suffering from obesity, especially abdominal obesity, have family history of diabetes, have a sedentary lifestyle, you should check your blood pressure, blood sugars, blood insulin, HbA1c and lipid profile, to screen for pre diabetes.

The causes of developing pre diabetes could be family history of diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, stress, older age, ladies who have had history of gestational diabetes and have had high birth weight (more than 9 pound) babies.

When carbohydrates are digested, they are absorbed in blood as sugar and the blood sugar levels increase.

In response to this the pancreas releases insulin in blood and insulin helps transport the sugar to various tissues of the body and under its influence, the cells of the tissues take up sugar from the blood and utilise it for the energy that they require for their functions.

Under the influence of insulin the liver also stores more sugar for providing energy to the body later.

This lowers the blood sugar and the blood insulin levels.

But when you eat too much sweets or sugary food regularly, the pancreas is forced to produce more insulin to bring down the blood sugar to normal.

After a while the cells of the various tissues stop responding adequately to the insulin and do not absorb sugar efficiently.

This means the cells of the tissues develop insulin resistance.

This causes both, the blood sugar and the blood insulin levels to stay high.

This raised blood level of insulin is called hyperinsulinemia.

When the capacity of the liver and the muscle cells to store sugar is over, the excess blood sugar is stored in the fat cells of various fat depots in the body and our weight increases, gradually leading to obesity.

Diagnostic levels of pre diabetes:

Fasting Blood Sugar Levels: Between 110 to 125 (WHO) or 100 to 125 (American Diabetes Association)

Sugar Tolerance Test: Between 140 and 199 mg/dL two hours after taking standardised 75 gm glucose solution.

Glycated Haemoglobin or HbA1c levels between 5.7 to 6.4 per cent.

Levels above these are diagnostic of diabetes.

Reversing Pre Diabetes:

The earlier that the condition of pre diabetes is diagnosed, the greater are the chances that it can be reversed.

How to reverse Pre Diabetes:

Healthy Eating: Focus on a balanced diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limiting processed foods and sugary beverages is crucial.

Regular Physical Activity: Engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming.

Weight Management: Losing even a small percentage of body weight can significantly reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

Regular Monitoring: Keep track of blood sugar levels and have regular check ups with your physician or endocrinologist.

Keeping your consumption of sweets low, so it helps keep your blood insulin from rising unnecessarily high.

If you have uncontrollable craving for sweets, eat ample fruits through the day. It will take away the abnormal craving for eating sweets and also add valuable nutrition to your food.

Staying away from sweets with determination for a fortnight, to allow the taste buds on your tongue to get adjusted to not eating them. Once they are retrained, you won’t be able to eat as much sweets anyway.

So, to reverse your pre diabetes, you need to develop healthy food habits, eat nutritionally balanced food, exercise regularly, reduce your weight, keep stress low and sleep well.

And don’t wait to start all these things till you catch diabetes!

If you start now, you could most likely prevent the development of insulin resistance and pre diabetes!

Also read ‘Sweets, Obesity And Diabetes’, ‘Insulin Resistance And Diabetes’, ‘Dangers Of Eating Too Much Sweets’ and ‘Preventing Diabetes’ on this website.



प्री डायबीटिस!

प्री डायबीटिस म्हणजे नेमके काय आहे,

तो कसा निर्माण होतो,

आणि तो कसा टाळता येईल किंवा कसा रिव्हर्स करता येईल!


माझ्या प्रॅक्टिस च्या सुरुवातीलाच हे स्पष्ट होते की आपण वेगाने डायबीटिस आणि हृदयविकार ह्या आजारांमध्ये जगभरात आघाडी घेत आहोत.

पण त्या वेळेस प्री डायबीटिस ह्या कंडिशन चे महत्व लोकांना अजूनही तितकेसे जाणवले नव्हते.

पण आज मात्र माझ्याकडे येणारे अनेक लोक प्री डायबीटिस असल्याचे समजल्यामुळे वजनाची ट्रीटमेंट घेण्यासाठी माझ्याकडे येत आहेत.

लट्ठपणाची फारशी भीती वाटणारे काही लोक निदान प्री डायबीटिस च्या भीतीने तरी जागृत होत आहेत हे ही चांगले आहे.


पण प्री डायबीटिस म्हणजे नेमकी काय कंडिशन आहे?

प्री डायबीटिस ह्या कंडिशन मध्ये ब्लड शुगर्स नॉर्मल पेक्षा अधिक पण डायबीटिक लेव्हल्स पेक्षा कमी असतात.

प्री डायबीटिस ही कंडिशन मेटबॉलिक सिंड्रोम चा एक भाग असते आणि ह्यात लठ्ठपणा, विशेषतः पोटात अधिक फॅट असते म्हणजेच पोट सुटलेले असते, ब्लड प्रेशर वाढलेले असते, रक्तातील शुगर, इन्सुलिन,  ट्रायग्लिसराईड्स आणि एल डी एल कोलेस्टेरॉल च्या लेव्हल्स वाढलेल्या असतात आणि हृदयाला सुरक्षित ठेवणाऱ्या एच डी एल कोलेस्टेरॉल च्या लेव्हल्स कमी झालेल्या असतात.

ह्या पैकी ट्रायग्लिसराईड्स आणि एल डी एल कोलेस्टेरॉल च्या लेव्हल्स वाढण्या मुळे हृदयाच्या करोनरी आर्टरीज् मध्ये ब्लॉकेजेस होऊन हृदयविकार निर्माण होतो तर हे ब्लॉकेजेस काढून घेऊन करोनरी आर्टरीज् आणि पर्यायाने हृदयाला सुरक्षित ठेवण्याचे काम एच डी एल कोलेस्टेरॉल करते.

प्री डायबीटिस ही डायबीटिस पहिली पायरी असते आणि ती पुढे जाऊन डायबीटिस मध्ये रूपांतरित होते आणि डायबीटिस मधील काही कॉमप्लिकेशन्स प्री डायबीटिस मध्ये ही होऊ शकतात.

प्री डायबीटिस मध्ये अनेकांना काहीही सिम्प्टम्स असलेले जाणवत नाहीत, त्यामुळे प्री डायबीटिस सहजपणे डायग्नोस होत नाही.

प्री डायबीटिस च्या डायग्नोसिस साठी ब्लड शुगर फास्टींग आणि पी पी, ग्लूकोज टॉलरन्स टेस्ट, ग्लायकेटेड हीमग्लोबिन, ब्लड इन्सुलिन, लिपिड प्रोफाईल ह्या टेस्ट्स करता येतात. ह्या लेव्हल्स नॉर्मल पेक्षा हाय असणे, पोटात फॅट खूप असणे आणि हायपरटेंशन हे प्री डायबीटिस असल्याचे दर्शवतात.

जर तुमचे वजन जास्त असेल, पोट सुटलेले असेल, ब्लड प्रेशर हाय असेल, तर तुम्ही वरील टेस्ट्स करून घेणे इष्ट ठरेल.

ह्या पैकी ब्लड शुगर फास्टींग आणि पी पी, ग्लूकोज टॉलरन्स टेस्ट, ग्लायकेटेड हीमग्लोबिन ह्या लेव्हल्स डायबीटिस मधील लेव्हल्स पेक्षा कमी पण नॉर्मल पेक्षा हाय असल्या आणि ट्रायग्लिसराईड्स आणि एल डी एल कोलेस्टेरॉल च्या लेव्हल्स हाय आणि  एच डी एल कोलेस्टेरॉल च्या लेव्हल्स लो असल्या, तर तुम्हाला प्री डायबीटिस आहे असे धरायला हरकत नाही.

काही वेळा प्री डायबीटिस मध्ये ही काही लोकांना डायबीटिस प्रमाणेच खूप तहान लागणे, सारखी लघवी होणे, थकवा वाटत राहणे असे सिम्प्टम्स दिसतात. अशा लोकांनी ही वरील टेस्ट्स करून घेणे अत्यावश्यक आहे.

प्री डायबीटिस होण्याची कारणे:

प्री डायबीटिस नेमका कशाने होतो अजूनही पूर्णपणे माहीत नसले तरी डायबीटिस ची फॅमिली हिस्टरी असणे, बैठी जीवनशैली, स्ट्रेस, वाढते वय, जेस्टेशनल (प्रेगनन्सी मधील) डायबीटिस आणि जन्मतः नऊ पाऊन्ड पेक्षा अधिक वजन असलेली बाळ झालेल्या आया ह्यांना तो होण्याची शक्यता जास्त असते.

प्री डायबीटिस च्या डायग्नॉस्टिक ब्लड टेस्ट लेव्हल्स:

फास्टिंग ब्लड शुगर लेव्हल्स: 110 ते 125 (WHO) किंवा 100 ते 125 (अमेरिकन डायबीटिस असोसिएशन) mg/dL

शुगर टॉलरन्स टेस्ट: ब्लड शुगर लेव्हल्स 140 ते 199 mg/dL स्टॅंडर्डाईज्ड 75 ग्रॅम ग्लूकोज सोल्युशन नंतर दोन तासांनी,

ग्लायकेटेड हीमग्लोबिन किंवा HbA1c लेव्हल्स: 5.7 ते 6.4 पर सेंट च्या रेंज मध्ये असणे.

ह्या वरील लेव्हल्स डायबीटिस च्या डायग्नॉस्टिक लेव्हल्स असतात.

रिव्हर्सिंग प्री डायबीटिस:

जितक्या लवकर प्री डायबीटिस डायग्नोज होईल, तितक्या लवकर तो रिव्हर्स होण्याची शक्यता अधिक असते.

प्री डायबीटिस रिव्हर्स कसा करायचा?

बॅलन्सड न्युट्रिशन: होल ग्रेन सीरीयल (धान्य) आणि पल्सेस (कडधान्य), ताज्या भाज्या आणि फळे, साय काढलेले दूध आणि शक्य असेल तर सी फिश आणि हेल्दी फॅट असलेले पदार्थ ह्यावर फोकस करा.

आपले गोड खाणे अगदी माफक ठेवा.

तसे करण्याने तुमची रक्तातील शुगर आणि इन्सुलिन लेव्हल्स कमी राहतात.

जर गोड खाण्याची अनावर इच्छा होत असेल तर नियमित भरपूर फळे खा, गोड खाण्याची तृप्ती आपोआप होते.

ही अनावर इच्छा म्हणजे खरं तर तुम्ही खूप गोड खाऊन तुमच्या जिभे वरील टेस्ट बड्स ना आणि मेंदू ला गोड खाण्याचे ट्रेनिंग देऊन लावलेले अडिक्शन किंवा व्यसन असते.

तितके गोड खाल्ले की मगच तुमच्या मेंदू ला तृप्त झाल्याचे समाधान होत असते.

बरेच लोक आपल्या शरीराला साखरेची गरज असते म्हणून आपल्याला गोड खावे लागते असे मनाशी पक्के ठरवून गोड खात असतात!

आणि तुम्ही पंधरा दिवस सय्यम बाळगून गोड खाणे बंद केले तर तेव्हढ्या वेळात तुमच्या टेस्ट बड्स आणि मेंदू ची गोड खाऊन तृप्त होण्याची सवय मोडलेली असते.

मग तुम्ही पूर्वी इतके गोड खाऊच शकत नाही.

म्हणूनच तुमचा इन्सुलिन रेझिस्टन्स आणि प्री डायबीटिस रिव्हर्स करण्यासाठी हेल्दी फूड हॅबिट्स स्वीकारा, संतुलित, हेल्दी, आहार घ्या, नियमित व्यायाम करा, वजन कमी करा, स्ट्रेस कमी करा, आणि पुरेशी झोप घ्या!

रेग्युलर एक्सरसाईज: आठवड्याला 150 मिनिटे ब्रिस्क वॉक, सायकलिंग, स्विमिंग सारखे कार्डिओव्हॅस्क्युलर एक्सरसाईज करा.

वजन कमी करा: केवळ काही किलो वजन कमी होण्याने सुध्दा डायबीटिस होण्याचा धोका कमी होतो.

बैठी जीवनशैली सोडून, नियमित एक्सरसाईज करायला लागणे, येथे हळू हळू फिट होत भरपूर चालणे सुद्धा अगदी पुरेसे आहे, हे शरीरात विविध सेल्स चा इन्सुलिन रेझिस्टन्स कमी करून रक्तातील शुगर आणि इन्सुलिन लेव्हल्स कमी करते.

त्या मुळेच बॅलन्सड न्युट्रिशन आणि एक्सरसाईज हा डायबीटिस कंट्रोल आणि एकूणच आपल्या संपूर्ण आरोग्याचा पाया आहे.

नियमित चेक अप: तुमच्या फिझिशन किंवा एन्डोक्रिनॉलजिस्ट कडे नियमित चेक अप करवून घ्या.

आणि ह्या साठी डायबीटिस होण्याची वाट पाहू नका!

लवकर सुरुवात केली, तर तुम्ही प्री डायबीटिस टाळू किंवा रिव्हर्स ही करू शकाल!


Sweets, Obesity and Diabetes!

Eating Too Much Sweets, Obesity And Diabetes!

It was amply clear even when I started my then unique ‘Obesity Clinic’ in Pune, nearly 40 years ago, that our county was poised to be the world capital of diabetes and heart disease!

The three primary reasons for it were that we are genetically more prone to develop both diseases than people in the West and the increasing affluence of the Indian middle class meant that we are eating more calorie rich food and our lifestyles are getting more and more sedentary.

With the modern culture bringing in greater amount of sweets in our food with increasing temptations like rich deserts becoming available with mithai and cake shops and ice cream parlours springing up everywhere and the five star hotel culture introducing us to a rich dessert culture and the television and You Tube master chefs making the average house wives culinary experts, we are eating more and more sweets.

Sugar of course is nearly hundred per cent simple carbohydrate.

When we eat carbohydrates, they are digested and absorbed into the blood as sugar. When the blood sugar rises, the pancreas release the hormone insulin into the blood, to bring down the blood sugar to the normal levels and thus regulate the blood sugar.

The cells of every tissue in the body take up the sugar from the blood under the influence of insulin and use it for the energy that they need for their functions.

The liver also stores more sugar under the influence of insulin, for later use, when the body needs energy.

This brings down the blood sugar and in response, the pancreas cuts down on the insulin production.

This process is smooth and works seamlessly when we are healthy.

But when we eat too much of sweets or carbohydrates, a lot of sugar enters the blood.

This forces the pancreas to produce more insulin than normal, to influence the cells of various tissues to take up more sugar to control the blood sugar levels.

And if we continue to eat a lot of sweets regularly, after some time the various cells of the body respond less efficiently to the available insulin and do not absorb the sugar from the blood adequately.

This means that they become insulin resistant.

With the result, the blood sugar levels increase and so does the level of blood insulin.

This raised blood level of insulin is called hyperinsulinemia.

Under the influence of these raised levels of insulin, the liver and muscles store more sugar and when their capacity of storing sugar is full, this excess sugar is converted into fat and stored in various fat depots.

This leads to development of obesity.

This means our blood insulin, blood sugar and weight, all go up.

Over a period of time eating too much sugar and sweets leads to obesity and diabetes!

Also read the articles ‘Abdominal Obesity, Diabetes And Heart Disease‘, ‘Preventing Diabetes’ and the ‘Dangers Of Eating Too Much Sugar’ and ‘Insulin Resistance And Diabetes’ on this website.

Insulin Resistance And Diabetes!

The Process Of Developing Insulin Resistance And Diabetes!

Any one can become diabetic.

It is not a must to have a family history of diabetes to develop the disease.

Yes, you have a greater chance of developing the disease if you have a family history of diabetes.

But you will see that many develop the disease irrespective of a family history of diabetes these days.

That is why it is vital that we understand that the process of becoming diabetic starts much before the actual onset of the full fledged disease.


Carbohydrates, Insulin And Blood Sugar

Normally insulin, the hormone produced by pancreas, regulates our blood sugar levels precisely.

The carbohydrates that we consume in our food, enter our blood in the form of sugar and as soon as it enters our blood, the pancreas releases insulin in our blood to regulate the blood sugar.

The cells of every tissue in the body take up the sugar from the blood under the influence of insulin and use it for the energy that they need for their functions.

The liver also stores more sugar under the influence of insulin, for later use, when the body needs energy in between two meals.

This brings down the blood sugar to normal and in response, the pancreas cuts down on the insulin production.

A few hours, typically around four to five hours, the blood sugar levels dip before the next meal.

At this time the liver releases the stored blood sugar in the blood to provide the energy that the body needs and the stored sugar in the liver goes back to normal.

This process is smooth and works seamlessly when we are healthy.


Insulin Resistance And Pre Diabetes

But when we eat too much of sweets or carbohydrates, a lot of sugar enters the blood.

This forces the pancreas to produce more insulin than normal, to influence the cells of various tissues to take up more sugar to control the blood sugar levels.

But if we continue to eat a lot of sweets regularly, after some time the various cells of the body respond less efficiently to the available insulin and do not absorb the sugar from the blood adequately.

This means that they become insulin resistant.

With the result, the blood sugar levels increase and so does the level of blood insulin.

This raised blood level of insulin is called hyperinsulinemia.

Under the influence of these raised levels of insulin, the liver and muscles store more sugar and when their capacity of storing sugar is full, this excess sugar is converted into fat and stored in various fat depots.

This leads to weight gain.

This means our blood insulin, blood sugar and weight, all go up.

At this stage, not only our blood sugar and insulin, but also our blood triglycerides and the LDL (harmful to the heart) cholesterol levels are likely to go up and our HDL (beneficial to the heart) cholesterol levels are likely to drop below normal.

These are all signs insulin resistance.

This is the pre diabetic stage which eventually can lead to diabetes, heart disease and strokes.


We yet do not know the exact reasons of insulin resistance, but family history of type 2 diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, total lack of exercise and obesity can all be the contributing reasons.

Stress and lack of adequate sleep too could worsen the situation.


How to reverse insulin resistance

Getting physically more active and exercising regularly, walking adequately is the safest exercise, improves the insulin sensitivity of the cells of different tissues of our body.

That is the reason why exercise is the key to not only diabetes management, but also to our overall health and well being!

Keep your consumption of sweets low, so it helps keep your blood insulin from rising unnecessarily high.

If you have uncontrollable craving for sweets, eat ample fruits through the day. It will take away the abnormal craving for eating sweets and also add valuable nutrition to your food.

Stay away from sweets with determination for a fortnight, to allow the taste buds on your tongue to get adjusted to not eating them. Once they are retrained, you won’t be able to eat as much sweets anyway.

So, to reverse your insulin resistance, you need to develop healthy food habits, eat nutritionally balanced food, exercise regularly, reduce your weight, keep stress low and sleep well.

And don’t wait to do all these things till you catch diabetes!

Start now, so you don’t develop insulin resistance in the first place!

Also read the articles ‘Preventing Diabetes’, and ‘Dangers Of Eating Too Much Sugar’ on this website.


इन्सुलिन रेझिस्टन्स आणि डायबीटिस!

डायबीटिस कोणालाही होऊ शकतो.
म्हणजे, तुमच्या फॅमिली मध्ये डायबीटिस ची हिस्टरी असेल तर तुम्हाला तो होण्याची शक्यता असतेच,
पण त्या साठी तुमच्या फॅमिली मध्ये डायबीटिस असावाच लागतो असा काही नियम नाही!
आणि तशी फॅमिली हिस्टरी नसेल तर तुम्ही तो टाळू शकताच,
पण अगदी तशी फॅमिली हिस्टरी असलीच तरी ही तुम्ही तो टाळू किंवा लांबवू तर नक्कीच शकता!
आणि तसे ही आई वडीलां पैकी एकाला किंवा दोघांनाही डायबीटिस असेल, तरी ही त्या फॅमिली मधील सगळ्याच मुलांना डायबीटिस होईलच असे ही नसते.
आणि डायबीटिस होण्याच्या बऱ्याच आधी पासून शरीरात तो होण्याची पूर्व तयारी सुरू असते.
कार्बोहायड्रेट्स, इन्सुलिन आणि ब्लड शुगर
पॅनक्रियस ह्या ग्रन्थी ने निर्माण केलेले इन्सुलिन हे हार्मोन आपल्या रक्तातील ग्लूकोज किंवा ब्लड शुगरचे काटेकोर नियमन करते.
आपल्या आहारातील कार्बोहायड्रेट्स साखरे च्या रुपात रक्तात शोषले जातात आणि ब्लड शुगर लेव्हल्स वाढू लागताच पॅनक्रियस रक्तात अधिक प्रमाणात इन्सुलिन सोडते.
इन्सुलिन च्या प्रभावा खाली शरीरातील विविध टिश्यूज मधील सेल्स ही रक्तातील शुगर अबसॉर्ब करतात आणि तिचा वापर स्वतःच्या विविध कार्यांसाठी एनर्जी म्हणून करतात.
इन्सुलिन च्या प्रभावा खाली लिव्हर, पुढे वापर करण्यासाठी, अधिक प्रमाणात ही शुगर साठवून ठेवते.
ह्या मुळे रक्तातील शुगर लेव्हल्स कमी होतात आणि त्यामुळे रक्तातील इन्सुलिन लेव्हल्स ही कमी केल्या जातात.
आपल्या ब्रेकफास्ट नंतर किंवा शेवटच्या जेवणानंतर काही वेळाने आपल्या ब्लड शुगर लेव्हल्स खाली येतात.
मग ह्या वेळी लिव्हर मध्ये साठवलेली हीच शुगर रक्तात सोडून आपल्या शरीराला आवश्यक असलेल्या एनर्जी ची पूर्तता केली जाते.
नॉर्मली ही सर्व प्रॉसेस स्मूदली, सहजपणे, सुलभपणे चालू असते.
आणि त्या वेळे पर्यंत आपण हेल्दी असतो!
इन्सुलिन रेझिस्टन्स आणि प्री डायबीटिस
पण आपण जेव्हा खूप अधिक प्रमाणात गोड किंवा इतर कार्बोहायड्रेट्स खातो, तेव्हा रक्तात मोठ्या प्रमाणात साखर येते.
मग ही अतिरिक्त शुगर शरीरातील विवध सेल्स नी शोषून घ्यावी म्हणून पॅनक्रियस ला मोठ्या प्रमाणात इन्सुलिन रक्तात सोडावे लागते.
पण आपण जर असेच मोठ्या प्रमाणात गोड सतत खात राहिलो, तर काही काळाने शरीरातील विविध सेल्स वरील इन्सुलिनचा प्रभाव कमी होत जातो आणि ते पुरेसे इन्सुलिन उपलब्ध असतानाही रक्तातील शुगर पुरेशा प्रमाणात अबसॉर्ब करू शकत नाहीत.
म्हणजेच ते इन्सुलिन रेझिस्टन्ट होतात.
त्याचा परिणाम ब्लड शुगर लेव्हल्स वाढण्यात होतो.
आणि ह्याच बरोबर रक्तातील इन्सुलिन ची लेव्हल ही वाढलेली राहते.
ह्यालाच हायपर इन्सुलिनेमिया म्हणतात.
त्याच बरोबर खूप वाढलेले इन्सुलिन लिव्हर आणि स्नायूंना अधिक शुगर साठवायला लावते आणि त्यांची शुगर साठवण्याची क्षमता संपली की लिव्हर उरलेली शुगर शरीरातील विविध फॅट डेपोज् मध्ये फॅट च्या रुपात साठवण्या साठी पाठवते. अर्थातच आपले वजन वाढत जाते.
म्हणजे आपली ब्लड शुगर, इन्सुलिन आणि वजन तीनही वाढत जातात.
अशा वेळी आपली ब्लड शुगर, इन्सुलिन, ट्रायग्लिसराईड्स, एल डी एल (हृदयाला मारक) कोलेस्टेरॉल वाढलेले आणि एच डी एल (हृदयाला संरक्षण देणारे) कोलेस्टेरॉल कमी झालेले असू शकते.
हे सगळे आपल्याला इन्सुलिन रेझिस्टन्स असल्याचे दर्शवते.
आणि हीच स्टेज आपण प्रीडायबीटिक असण्याची स्टेज असते!
ह्यातुनच पुढे डायबीटिस, हृदय विकार आणि स्ट्रोक्स येऊ शकतात.
इन्सुलिन रेझिस्टन्स नेमका कशाने होतो हे आपल्याला अजूनही माहीत नाही, पण टाइप 2 डायबीटिस ची फॅमिली हिस्टरी असणे, बैठी जीवनशैली आणि व्यायामाचा पूर्ण अभाव आणि लठ्ठपणा हे सर्व इन्स्युलिन रेझिस्टन्स ची कारणे असू शकतात.
इन्सुलिन रेझिस्टन्स रिव्हर्स कसा करावा?
फिझिकली अधिक ॲक्टिव्ह असणे म्हणजेच नियमित एक्सरसाईज करणे, सर्वात सुरक्षित म्हणजे भरपूर चालणे, हे आपल्या शरीराच्या सेल्स ना अधिक इन्सुलिन सेन्सिटिव्ह करण्याचा सोपा उपाय आहे.
म्हणूनच एक्सरसाईज संपूर्ण आरोग्यासाठीच नव्हे तर डायबीटिस मॅनेजमेंट साठी ही अत्यावश्यक आहे.
वजन कमी राखण्यासाठी ही एक्सरसाईज चा रोल अतिशय महत्वाचा आहे.
गोड खाणे मर्यादित ठेवा, म्हणजे ब्लड शुगर उगाचच वाढणार नाही आणि पॅनक्रियस ला अनावश्यक तेवढे इन्सुलिन निर्माण करावे लागणार नाही.
गोड खाण्याचे ॲडिक्शन झालेले असले, गोड खाण्याचे खूप क्रेव्हिंग होत असेल, चहा, कॉफी खूप गोड पित असाल, जेवणा नंतर काही तरी गोड खाल्ल्या शिवाय चैन पडत नसेल, तर पुढे वाढून ठेवलेल्या अनारोग्याचे भान ठेवा आणि निर्धाराने केवळ पंधरा दिवस गोड खाणे कमी करा, तेवढ्या वेळात तुमच्या जिभे वरचे टेस्ट बड्स आपोआप अजस्ट होतात आणि नंतर तुम्हाला पूर्वी इतके गोड खाताच येत नाही, हे प्रत्यक्ष अनुभवा.
भरपूर फळे खाण्याने सुद्धा गोडाचे क्रेव्हिंग निघून जाते हे ही अनुभवा.
तेव्हा इन्सुलिन रेझिस्टन्स रिव्हर्स करण्यासाठी हेल्दी, संतुलित आहार घ्या, नियमित एक्सरसाईज करा, वजन कमी करा, स्ट्रेस टाळा आणि पुरेशी झोप घ्या.
आणि हे सगळे करण्या साठी डायबीटिस होण्याची वाट बघू नका!
म्हणजे मुळातच इन्सुलिन रेझिस्टन्स निर्माणच होणार नाही!