Author - Dr. Nitin Gupte

Goat Meat Is Healthier Than Other Meats!

Not All Red Meat Is Equally Bad For The Heart!

It is now common knowledge that sea fish is excellent for the health of the heart as it is the only source of the sea source omega-3 fatty acids in our food and it protect us from the coronary artery disease.

It is also a common belief that all red meat viz. mutton, beef, and pork are bad for the heart while the white meat, viz. turkey and chicken, are fine for the heart.

Researchers now label all meat, red as well as white, as equally bad for the health of the heart.

But it will be impractical to expect all the non vegetarian people to turn vegetarian overnight.

But even amongst the meats, the amount of calories, the total fat, the saturated fat, the cholesterol and the protein contents of meats vary.

So we can still grade the available meats according to their calorie, total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and the protein contents.

The most commonly consumed red meat in our country is what is called mutton, which in fact is not one kind of meat. Both goat and lamb meat are called ‘mutton’, and not many people know exactly which meat they buy as mutton.

Nutritionally goat meat is much better than lamb meat.

Goat meat is actually lower in calories, total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol than not just lamb, pork and beef meats, but also chicken meat. This makes goat meat the healthier red meat, even better than chicken.

A 100 gm serving of cooked goat meat contains about 142 calories compared to chicken 185, beef 207, pork 209 and lamb 205 calories per 100 gm.

Goat meat has 3 gm of total fat, 0.93 gm of saturated fat, 75 mg of cholesterol and 27 gm of protein per 100 gm serving.

Chicken meat has 4 gm of total fat, 1 gm of saturated fat, 85 mg of cholesterol and 31 gm of proteins per 100 gm.

Turkey meat has 3.6 gm of total fat, 1 gm of saturated fat, 109 mg of cholesterol and 21 gm of protein per 100 gm.

All other meats fare even more poorly in comparison to goat meat.

Additionally, goat meat has higher levels of iron than the other meats. It has 3.8 mg iron per 100 gm serving while beef has 3.4 mg, pork has 3.1 mg, lamb has 1.6 mg and chicken has 1.7 mg of iron per 100 gm.

Goat meat also has higher levels of potassium and lower levels of sodium than the other four types of meat. Thus it is a healthier option for people with hypertension, heart and kidney disease.

Thus goat meat is superior to all the four other types of meat including chicken meat.

So other than fish, goat meat is the best meat to consume. As always, eating moderately is the key.

One can consume 250 gm goat meat in a day, and still satisfy the upper safe limit of cholesterol consumption allowable to a person with high cholesterol levels viz. 200 mg.

Thus, if you are a mix food person, you should consider fish, goat, and chicken as the non-vegetarian options in your food, in that order. You can keep off the lamb, pork, and beef.

Other than providing you a very good source of proteins and iron, goat meat also provides you a vital nutrient in vitamin B12, which is completely absent in vegetarian food. This is significant since many Indians suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency. Iron from flesh sources is also absorbed better than that from the vegetable sources. Thus goat meat also helps prevent anaemia.

Hence eating goat meat in moderation is a good option if you are a mixed food person.

And it is perfectly fine if you are a pure lacto-vegetarian as long as you take balanced nutrition, eat ample vegetables, especially leafy vegetables, and fruits and drink ample skimmed milk. Milk provides the necessary high quality proteins as well as all the vitamin B 12 you need.

Read the articles The Basics Of Nutrition and Can I Eat A Whole Egg on this website for more information.

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How Safe Are Artificial Sweeteners?

The Controversy Over The safety Of Artificial Sweeteners

When you are looking to evaluate the safety of artificial sweeteners like saccharine, aspartame and sucralose, you must understand that there will always be an anti-artificial-sweetener lobby and a pro-artificial-sweetener lobby.

Both sides will be making forceful arguments regarding the grave dangers posed to public health by these artificial sweeteners or the complete safety of these products.

The anti-artificial-sweetener lobby has accused the artificial sweeteners of causing illnesses ranging from lowered immunity to multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus to cancers.

The pro-artificial-sweetener lobby as well as the research results ordered by the US Government claim that the artificial sweeteners are safe.

To an outside observer, it could be a battle between cash rich vested interests and the true story could be amongst the best kept trade secrets of the world. It may never be told to you or me.

The real question is not whether we should use sugar or artificial sweeteners, it is whether we should be eating sweets at all!

Most of the sweets that you consume as deserts in fancy restaurants or buy from a sweets shop or home made sweets are also loaded with fats, comprising mostly of saturated fats and also trans fats. The principal components of Indian sweets are milk, cream, butter, ghee, vanaspati ghee (hydrogenated fats) and dry fruits. The western desserts may have refined flours, eggs, milk, cream and butter. Plus of course sugar or the artificial sweeteners will be there.

Thus you would consume ample bad fats hidden in sweets irrespective of what sweetener is used in it.

Simply all this bad fat in sweets will make you overweight and lead to hypertension, dyslipidemia (abnormal levels of blood fats and cholesterol), diabetes and heart disease, irrespective of which sweeteners are used in them, natural or artificial!

So while sugar may give you overweight, diabetes and heart disease, the artificial sweeteners, for all we know, may give us all the above diseases plus diseases as fatal as cancers, of which nobody is telling us the exact truth.

The question is, do we really need to find the truth, the hard way, ourselves?

The saner option is to consume sweets, deserts and cold drinks minimally.

And believe me, it can be done far more easily than you think.

Most people think that they just can’t do without sweets, that they have uncontrollable cravings for sweets, which they can never conquer. So they replace sugar with artificial sweeteners, and thus buy obesity, diabetes, heart disease as well as, perhaps, cancers!

As we have seen in the Latest Post ‘How Much Salt Do I Need?’, we are masters of our taste buds, not the other way round.

Like in case of salt, we have to just get determined to stop eating sweets for a few weeks. Once you just shut out the desire to eat sweets altogether for those few weeks, the craving will automatically go away.

The best option is to stop buying all kinds sweets and sweet drinks and sweeteners. If you have no stock at home or the work place, you can’t reach out to them! And if you can’t reach out to them, you won’t consume them!

Within weeks, you will find that you don’t even remember to reach out to them, far less stop and buy them!

Try this technique honestly, and I am sure, you will have no need to buy much sugar and no artificial sweeteners at all!

Read the article ‘How Much Salt Do I Need?‘ for more information.

Magical Health Benefits Of Fruits!

Fruits Are A Fountain Of Health, Eat them Amply!

Few people in India eat enough fruits, most do not eat them at all, even amongst those who can afford them! Few people realize that fruits are not only a treasure of nutrition giving you excellent health but they actually prevent or reverse numerous severe and chronic diseases. Thus very few people have fruits as an integral part of their daily food intake.

Bananas, mangoes, papaya, apples, pears, guavas, pomegranates, oranges, sweet limes, sapota or chikkoo, grapes,  cherries and berries like blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, in fact all fruits are wonderfully nutritious.

All fruits and vegetables are rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants along with carbohydrates and some amino acids. They are also rich in dietary fibre.

They provide us with beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, vitamin C, B vitamins, folate, vitamin E, minerals like iron, calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese and potassium.

They also provide us with a group of vital nutrients called antioxidants. These include phenolic flavonoids, lycopene, carotenoids and glucosinolates.

Vitamins and minerals are essential to every sphere of our health. They have a vital role to play in the health and functioning of every organ and component of our body, from the water content of our body to the blood and the blood pressure, from the skin to the hair, from the teeth to the bones, from the eyes to the the kidneys, from the brain to the nerves, from the muscles to the joints, from the heart to the lungs, from the liver to the stomach and the intestines, from the hormonal system to the reproductive system; nothing in your body can function normally without them.

Antioxidants are essential to neutralize the destructive effect of the free radicals that are formed in our body during oxidative processes. These free radicals are atoms or group of atoms that have odd or unpaired electrons. They attach themselves to healthy cells of different tissues and react with vital elements of the cells like the DNA or cell membrane. The cell dies or starts malfunctioning.

Our body has several enzyme systems to neutralize the destructive chain reaction unleashed by these free radicals. Vitamins C and E also are included in the list of antioxidants along with the above compounds.

The destruction triggered by these free radicals leads to many diseases like hypertension, raised cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, many cancers, cataract, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and obstructive pulmonary disease.

Antioxidants help us prevent or fight these diseases. They also slow down ageing and boost our immune system.

Fruits are also a rich source of potassium. Potassium helps relax arterial walls, excretes sodium, thus helping lower blood pressure and preventing heart disease.

Thus adequate consumption of a variety of fruits and vegetables helps keep us healthy and prevent the above disease.

Fruits and vegetables are also rich in fibre. The insoluble fibre in fruits helps in keeping our bowel movement regular while the soluble fibre helps lower the bad low density cholesterol. It also helps stabilize blood sugar and decreases the need to keep snacking.

Digestive enzymes like papain, bromelain, esters and terpenes present in fruits like papaya, pineapple and mango help us digest our food better.

You must consume at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Even more servings are beneficial.

Many people complain of an irresistible desire to eat sweets after each meal, or any time they see sweets, which prevents them from losing weight. Such people can easily become obese and diabetic. Eating fruits daily also helps eliminate this irresistible desire to eat sweets, helping you lose weight easier and protects you against diabetes.

If fruits are not a part of your food culture, include them now!

Every one who has done it after consulting me, including those who were avowed fruit haters, will vouch for dramatic improvement in their sense of well being, improved digestion and bowel movement, freedom from the symptoms of hyperacidity and improved skin and complexion!

People who consume ample fruits and vegetables have a much lower risk of developing the  above diseases than those who don’t.

People who are looking to lose weight also can easily eat ample fruits, without worrying about gaining weight. Replacing the rubbish, high fat, high sugar snacks from your food culture with fruits will immensely help you lose weight healthily!

We can get the widest possible range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants by eating a variety of fruits and vegetables. So don’t limit yourself to a few fruits and vegetables, eat all fresh fruits and vegetables available. And choose them from the widest range of colours, to ensure that you get the widest range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Always eat fruits with the skin intact, as the antioxidants usually sit under the skin and they are lost when the skin is peeled off.

Read the article ‘Basics Of Nutrition‘, ‘Diseases Associated With Obesity‘, ‘Obesity, Diabetes And Heart Disease‘ and ‘Healthy Fruits For Diabetics And Weight Losers’ on this website.

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Dangers Of Food Packs In Slimming Treatments!

Using Meal Replacing Food Packs Is Nothing But Planned Starvation!

The weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar industry worldwide. Naturally slimming treatments of every conceivable kind are available in the market, most of them no more than a figment of the imagination of fertile minds looking to exploit the gullible and ignorant people, desperate to lose weight, to make millions!

One such prominent kind of bogus treatment is to sell overweight people so called nutritional food packs or liquids, sometimes accompanying some magic pills that are said to raise your metabolic rate in some mysterious way unknown to science and help you burn more calories to slim down effortlessly!

The most famous herbal product amongst these has been found to contain heavy metal contamination, toxic compounds, psychotropic substances and pathogenic bacterial contamination and has been associated with acute liver failure, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, renal failure and death.

The growth of these products and expansion of its nutrition clubs in major cities that promise fake health benefits portend a serious public health concern.

These so called nutritional products are manufactured and chain-marketed by huge multinational companies and employ freelance people who look to make easy money by pushing these products to anyone they know or meet.

These people know nothing about nutrition or health, so probably many of them don’t even understand the gravity of the danger they pose to the health of their victims! And they loftily label themselves as ‘Nutrition Centre’ and ‘Wellness Centre’!

The multi nationality of these companies is good enough to convince many people that the treatment must be good! This is anything but true!

These so called nutritional products are expected to provide you with the same nutrition that your meals provide but carry much fewer calories. You are told to replace one or more meals with this pack till you lose weight.

This pack swells up in your stomach when ingested and you feel full. It takes care of your hunger at this meal time.

What it doesn’t take care of, irrespective of claims to the contrary is the nutrition provided to you by your normal meal! If it did, it would provide you with the same number of calories as your normal meal, which would defeat the very purpose of replacing a meal with a low calorie substitute.

Your normal meal will provide you with certain grams of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, along with vitamin and minerals. Each gram of carbohydrates and proteins provides you with four calories while fats provide nine calories.

If your food pack were to contain the same number of grams of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, it would have the same number of calories. It can’t have fewer calories and still provide the same nutrition.

If it did provide the same number of calories, it wouldn’t precipitate weight loss. If it provided fewer calories, it wouldn’t have the same nutrition!

But people on these so called nutritional food packs do lose weight for a while because replacing meals with these packs amounts to planned starvation! It takes no brains to understand that starvation will precipitate weight loss, even if temporary, but it will also invariably destroy your health, often permanently!

Starvation sends your body into ‘survival mode’ and lowers your metabolic rate, meaning your body burns fewer calories every day than it did earlier. Naturally, as soon as you stop these bogus food packs, as you must sooner or later, and start eating normal food, your weight shoots up quickly, higher than it was earlier.

Apart from this, what you lose on starvation based diets includes glycogen (a kind of carbohydrate stored in your liver and muscles and used as the immediate source of energy during initial activity), water and proteins and not just fat. So you don’t actually slim down as much as the scale shows. The body quickly regains glycogen, water, and proteins when you stop starving and regains weight even before it restores all the lost fat and then some more!

The damage goes much beyond this. You develop various deficiencies of vital nutrients. You feel weak, tired and become anaemic, pale and haggard, with wrinkled skin and hair loss. Most people, who persist with this dangerous treatment, develop hyperacidity, colitis, malabsorption syndrome, severe electrolyte imbalance, hypertension and sometimes fatal complications. Many people land up in hospitals on such treatments.

Audaciously, these people even sale their products to diabetics, who would be at great risk on such products.

Apart from the dangerous side effects, you can’t take these expensive powders or liquids and miss one or more meals every day for a lifetime. Once you stop, you become more obese!

You must understand that there are no magic treatments for losing weight!

Only a healthy lifestyle, excellent nutrition consisting of our normal food, sufficient exercises even as simple as walking, adequate rest and mental peace and happiness can give you superb slimming and optimum health!

Read the articles ‘Basics Of Nutrition‘,  ‘Simple Steps To Slimming‘ and ‘Dangers of Unscientific Treatments‘ on this website for more information.

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Dangers Of Protein Supplements!

Dangers Of Protein Supplements In Amateur Body Builders

Most people going to gyms spend most of their time in gyms on weight training. Most gyms in India look to sell poorly trained personal trainers and make more money by selling expensive protein supplements to their members. Thus most of their members turn into amateur body builders taking expensive protein supplements without the slightest idea of the benefits, or the lack of them and the dangers posed by these supplements.

These people believe or are made to believe, that being muscular is being fit and they equate exercise with weight training. They are also told that they must consume more protein to help muscle recovery and to build bigger and stronger muscles.

Gym instructors tell people that they will lose weight when they put on more muscles. They are made to believe that they must take synthetic protein supplements to do so.

But in reality, average people need no more than 0.8 gm protein per kg body weight and athletes need 1.5 to 2 gm, both levels can be supplied adequately by balanced, everyday food. There is absolutely no need to waste money and health on the synthetic protein supplements.

For a vast majority of people, protein supplements have no special benefit in either muscle building or repair. In fact, they do more damage than good.

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Our health depends upon getting a particular balance of amino acids, which is provided naturally in a balanced diet. Protein supplements provide a limited range of amino acids, thus severely disrupting this balance which can only lead to grave health risks.

Protein supplements, usually in the form of shakes, are high in calories. Our body can store excess calories only as fat and not as muscle. Thus people who consume adequate calories through food will only put on more fat when they consume these high calorie supplements.

Most protein supplements are made from casein, whey or soya protein. A large number of people are sensitive to these proteins and develop gases, abdominal pain, hyperacidity, nausea and diarrhea or constipation. People who consume protein supplements for sustained periods, and eat little heart healthy food and fibre, suffer from chronic constipation. Chronic constipation predisposes people to piles, fissures, diverticulosis and colorectal cancers. Straining at stools can cause hernias.

Generally being low in heart healthy foods and fibre, such high protein diets also lead to hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, strokes and heart disease.

To prevent these diseases, you must eat balanced nutrition including whole grain cereals, pulses, and legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits. But a balanced nutrition always supplies adequate calories for your daily requirement. Combined with high calorie protein supplements, it will surely lead to weight gain unless you take adequate cardiovascular exercises like brisk walking, jogging, running, cycling, swimming, aerobics or dancing. Most people going to gyms take little cardiovascular exercise and end up putting on more weight than losing it!

The metabolism of protein produces large amounts of acid. This causes acidosis which our body must correct. The kidneys must excrete this acid to maintain the acid – base balance within the body. But the kidneys cannot handle fluids with so high acidity and they must dilute these acids with great amounts of water. Hence the body loses a lot of water and this leads to dehydration. The body also uses calcium to neutralize this excess acid. Most of the body calcium is stored in bones. Thus the calcium is withdrawn from bones and used for this purpose.

Thus excess protein consumption causes the kidneys to excrete more calcium and this leads to calcium loss from the bones which causes bone damage leading to osteoporosis and also can cause kidney stones over a period of time.

We have already seen how excess proteins also cause dehydration. This puts excessive strain on the kidneys which are already struggling hard to eliminate excessive amounts of waste products and this leads to chronic kidney disease in the long run.

The other vital organ eliminating the toxic waste products of protein metabolism is the liver. So both of these vital organs are overloaded when you take excessive proteins. This leads to kidney and liver diseases if these protein supplements are consumed for a long period. For this reason, people with a history of kidney or liver disease must not take protein supplements.

Contamination with toxic elements is an ever present threat when producing synthetic protein supplements. A 2010 study found that some of the artificial protein supplements were contaminated with toxic metals like arsenic, cadmium, and lead, which can seriously damage your health.

So think twice before buying protein supplements!

Also read the articles ‘Dangers Of Unscientific Treatments‘ and ‘Dangers Of Food Packs In Slimming Treatments!‘ on this website.

Magical Health Benefits Of Milk!

Milk Is A Treasure of Excellent Nutrition!

Milk is a fabulous treasure of wide ranging vital nutrients that few foods can match.

It is a rich source of excellent quality proteins, minerals like calcium, potassium, phosphorus and vitamins like Vitamin A, Riboflavin, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D.

Buffalo milk provides about 4.25 gm of excellent quality proteins per 100 ml. Buffalo milk with 8 gm fat provides about 110 calories per 100 ml. Thus a 200 ml cup of skimmed buffalo milk provides a mere 76 calories.

It is a rich source of calcium and a good source of magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. It also contains iron, sodium, zinc, copper and manganese in small amounts. It is also a rich source of Riboflavin and Vitamin B12 and a good source of Vitamin A, C and Thiamine. It also has small amounts of Folate, Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B6 and Niacin.

Cow milk provides 3.2 gm high quality proteins per 100 ml. Cow milk with 3.9 % fat provides about 66 calories per 100 ml. A 200 ml cup of skim cow milk provides just about 62 calories.

It is a rich source of iodine and a good source of calcium and phosphorus. It also has small amount of potassium in it. It has Vitamin D, Vitamin B12 and Riboflavin in good amounts. It also has Vitamin K and Vitamin A in small amount.

The main sugar present in milk is lactose. Lactose helps in the absorption of calcium and phosphorous and the synthesis of some B complex vitamins in the small intestine.

Milk proteins mainly consist of casein (about 80%) and whey (about 20%). The milk proteins are of a high biological value. Thus milk provides us with invaluable proteins of high quality. In fact milk constitutes the most important protein source of a lacto-vegan diet, apart from the fact that it is the only source of Vitamin B12 in this diet. Thus it is imperative that every pure vegetarian diet must include ample milk in it. In fact researchers recommend that we drink 750 ml low fat or skimmed milk a day.

Whole milk and skimmed milk: When fat is removed from the whole milk, you get skimmed milk. There is some difference in the nutritional composition of whole milk and skimmed milk. When fat is removed, most of the cholesterol and fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K are also largely removed from the whole milk. Thus skimmed milk is much lower in calories, fat, cholesterol and vitamin A, D, E and K than the whole milk. Skimmed milk retains all the protein and carbohydrates present in whole milk as well as the water soluble vitamins like the B vitamins and all the minerals including calcium completely.

A cup of whole milk contains 24 mg of cholesterol, while the same serving of skim milk contains 5 mg of cholesterol. Thus it makes sense to drink skim milk as it provides most of the healthy nutrition of whole milk while it is much lower in calories and cholesterol. The only downside is that you lose out on some vital fat soluble vitamins present in whole milk, more notably, Vitamins A and D.

Health benefits of milk: Milk confers a wide range of health benefits on us.

The only source of Vitamin B12 in a purely vegetarian diet is milk. Pure vegetarians need to drink at least 2.5 cups of milk to meet their daily requirements of Vitamin B12. Those vegetarians who don’t drink as much milk are most likely to suffer from the deficiency of the vitamin.

Health of bones and teeth: Milk is not only vital for developing healthy bones and teeth in childhood but also for maintaining their health in later life upto old age. The abundance of calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and protein in milk helps in giving us healthy bones and teeth.

Drinking adequate milk protects us from the crippling ‘brittle bones disease’ osteoporosis, which causes easy fractures in old age.

The main protein in milk, casein, develops a thin protective film on teeth, which protects the enamel of teeth from the corrosive effect of acids developed in our mouth, protecting teeth from developing caries.

Healthy heart: Many studies worldwide have concluded that adequate consumption of milk helps lower our blood pressure and the low density (bad) cholesterol, total cholesterol and helps improve the high density (good) cholesterol and thus helps protect us from heart disease.

Milk is low in sodium and also has potassium. This helps in lowering blood pressure. Calcium amongst other nutrients in milk is thought to protect the heart.

Prevention of obesity: Adequate consumption of skim or low fat milk as a part of a healthy, balanced diet helps in prevention or reversal of obesity. Ample low fat or skim milk must be an essential component of any healthy diet, more so when you are looking to lose weight.

Apart from providing excellent nutrition, the delicious milk has the ability to give you satisfying ‘filling’ effect, thus keeping you free of hungerpangs, keeping your tummy ‘happy’! It also works as a natural antacid, taking care of your hyperacidity. This helps in fighting off the desire to overeat.

Contrary to popular belief, research has shown that people who consume milk and dairy foods adequately are likely to be slimmer than those who do not, with slimmer waists than those who do not drink milk.

Prevention or better control of Type II diabetes: A large number of studies have shown that consumption of low fat milk has proved beneficial in preventing or controlling Type II diabetes. The abundance of calcium and magnesium as well as low glycemic index of milk (reflecting the ability of a food to increase the blood sugar levels immediately after consumption) are thought to be the cause of this effect.

Prevention of some cancers: There is considerable evidence that drinking increasing quantity of milk appears to bestow increasing protection against colorectal and breast cancers.

Calcium and Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), a type of fat present milk, have been suggested as protective components in colon cancer.

Drinking adequate milk gives you better skin and hair health. If you are not a milk fan, start drinking three cups a day and you will find dramatic improvement in your sense of well being, skin and hair health. Hair loss will reduce, skin will start glowing with new health.

Milk also helps in relieving the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Milk helps relieve stress, helps in keeping our muscles healthy and also helps strengthen our immune systems.

If you are looking to prevent or fight osteoporosis, you should choose skim buffalo milk which is more nutritious than cow milk. If you are looking to feed an old person, cow milk should be preferred. Currently paediatricians tend to advice parents to put their babies and toddlers on buffalo milk.

If you find it difficult to digest milk, if you develop excessive gas formation, and have pain in the tummy after taking milk, if you have lactose intolerance, drink small quantities, say half a cup at a time along with every meal or a snack. That will reduce the discomfort substantially.

In short, milk is more beneficial to your health than any other food!

Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise!

Please also read the article ‘Basics Of Nutrition‘ on this website.


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The Good And The Bad Carbohydrates!

Learning To Choose The Right  Carbohydrates!

Carbohydrates are the most important staple food of the developing world, forming the most important source of energy and nutrition for its population.

Carbohydrates can be broadly classified as the complex or the healthy carbohydrates and the simple or the bad carbohydrates.

Complex or healthy carbohydrates include vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grain cereals and nuts.

Vegetables provide small amounts of complex carbohydrates and ample vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants at minimal calories.

Fruits provide water, fructose or fruit sugar, vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants. Although fructose is a simple carbohydrate, the presence of water and fibre in the fruits prevents fructose from causing a sudden spike in your blood sugar, unlike table sugar. Plus the presence of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants makes them very healthy.

Whole grain cereals include wheat, rice, jowar, bajri, nachni, corn, oats and barley.

Legumes and pulses include various beans, peas, and lentils like toor, mug, masur, matki, chavli and chana, whole or split as dals.

They provide us with adequate calories, complex carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, most essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre.

Consumed together, pulses and cereals also provide the bulk of good quality proteins in a vegetarian diet.

In fact, a diet majorly composed of these healthy carbohydrate foods and milk is wholly healthy.

Thus these foods are highly nutritious and there is no cause to exclude them from your food just because of the fear of carbohydrates spread by the proponents of wrongly hyped low carb diets.

There is absolutely no cause to believe that eating complex carbohydrates causes obesity and diabetes.

It is eating more calories than you burn that causes weight gain, doesn’t matter which source they come from, carbohydrates, proteins or fats, not just carbohydrates. So little point blaming carbohydrates for obesity.

carb1  Homemade fresh Hot Chapati.

Simple carbohydrates  or refined carbohydrates include table sugar or sucrose, jaggery, sago, honey, refined cereals like wheat or corn flour and breakfast cereals. Refined wheat flours include ‘rava’ and ‘maida’.

Whole cereals are composed of the bran, the germ and the endosperm.

The bran, the hard outer protective layer of the grain, contains the fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

The germ, the nutrient rich core, contains the complex carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and plant compounds. When a new plant germinates from the germ, it draws nutrition from the grain.

The endosperm majorly consists of carbohydrates and a little protein, but no fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Refined cereals are made by grinding and removing the most nutrient rich bran and germ from the grain, retaining only the endosperm which carries the less nutritious carbohydrates and a little protein.

‘Rava’ or coarse refined wheat flour is traditionally used for making ‘shira’ and ‘upma’, ‘rava idli’ and ‘rava dosa’. ‘Maida’ or finely ground refined wheat flour is extensively used for making commercial bakery products like bread, pasta, biscuits, cakes, pastries, ‘khari’, toasts or rusks.

Refined corn flour is used for thickening soups and as batter for some fried snacks or meat dishes.

Sugar, jaggery, honey, sago and refined flours have high glycemic index. When they are consumed, the quickly digested and absorbed carbohydrates in them raise your blood sugar quickly, unleashing a surge in insulin to lower the raised blood sugar. Insulin lowers your blood sugar to subnormal levels.

This leads to a surge in two hormones, glucagon and cortisol to raise the below normal blood sugar to normal. Raised levels of both insulin and cortisol tend to increase the tendency of the body to store the extra calories as fat, rather than raising the metabolic rate (calorie burning) a little to burn them off!

Simple carbohydrates are digested quickly and leave the stomach early, making you feel hungry soon, causing overeating and weight gain. Complex carbohydrates are digested slower and also leave the stomach slower, hence you fill full longer and don’t feel hungry for a longer time. So overeating and weight gain are prevented.

Diets high in refined carbohydrates and low in fibre are associated with obesity, increased abdominal fat, increased levels of blood sugar and insulin causing insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, raised triglycerides, heart disease, colon cancer and various digestive problems.

So the verdict is:

Complex carbohydrates are healthy. They must form the basic foundation of your food and you can be slim and healthy on a diet principally based on them. People with obesity and diabetes too can eat them sensibly.

So eat chapati, rice, preferably brown rice, dal, sprouted pulses sensibly and vegetables and fruits amply and stay slim and healthy for a lifetime!

Simple carbohydrates are bad for your weight and health and must be kept to the minimum in your food, irrespective of whether you are obese and / or diabetic or slim and healthy.

So avoid eating sugar, jaggery, honey, sago, ‘rava’, ‘maida’, refined flours like corn flour and bakery products made from them, to stay slim and healthy for a lifetime!

Healthy options:

In short, you ought to get used to keeping your consumption of ‘shira’, ‘rava upama’, ‘rava idli’, ‘rava dosa’, commercial bakery products like bread, biscuits, ‘khari’, cakes, pastries down to the minimum, if you are worried about your weight, blood sugar or heart!

Upama made from oats, rajgira or ‘daliya’ (broken wheat) instead of ‘rava’ and home baked whole wheat or whole grain bread are healthy, even biscuits or ‘khari’ made with whole wheat flour and butter, not vanaspati ghee or hydrogenated oil as the cooking medium are also permissible.

Replacing white rice, as much as possible, with brown rice is also a very healthy option.

Please also read the articles ‘Basics Of Nutrition‘, ‘Preventing Diabetes‘ and ‘Healthy Fruits For Diabetics And Weight Losers‘ on this website.

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Can I Eat Mango And Still Lose Weight?

Will Mango Make Me Fat?

Mango, like most fruits, is a super food. It is a rich source of Vitamin A and a very good source of Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), Vitamin C and Vitamin E.

Vitamin A is essential for the health of our eyes, skin and mucous membranes.

Pyridoxine is essential for the production of GABA, a brain hormone and for controlling the blood levels of homocystiene, high levels of which lead to coronary artery disease and strokes.

Vitamin C keeps our gums and teeth healthy, helps our body fight infections and also scavenges harmful oxygen-free radicals.

It is rich in potassium (156 mg per 100 gm) and low in sodium (2 mg per 100 gm), helping regulate our heart rate and blood pressure.

Mango is also rich in flavonoids namely beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and alpha-cryptoxanthene. Together with Vitamin A, the carotenes help protect us against numerous cancers including breast, colon, oral cavity and prostrate cancers and leukaemia.

The fruit is also a moderate source of copper, which is required for the production of some enzymes and red blood cells.

In short, mango is a super food that helps keep our vision, skin and mucous membranes healthy, protects us against infections, eliminates harmful oxygen-free radicals from our body, helps regulate out heart rate and blood pressure, protects us against heart disease and strokes, and numerous cancers including breast and colon cancers and leukaemia.

Other than these health benefits, mango is the most delicious of all fruits. Indian alphonso or ‘Hapus’ from the Kokan area of coastal Maharashtra is the prized mango.

Hundred gram of the edible fruit has 18 to 20 gram sugars and about 70 to 80 calories. A medium size, 200 gm Alphonso mango has about 120 to 130 calories.

So if we take a little bit of care, we can stay slim in spite of eating mangoes.

If you wish to offset the calories of a mango, you can eat three fourth of a chapati or better still, a bowlful of rice less, or you can take a brisk walk for about 25 or 30 minutes to burn off the calories of the mango, and develop better cardiovascular fitness in the process.

Mango needn’t be off the plate of a diabetic either.

The glycemic index of a ripe mango is 51, means it is within the low range; that of boiled potato is between 50 to 70, from low to medium range; that of baked potato is 85, meaning in the high range and that of rice is between 70 to 90, meaning in the high range.

A medium size Alphonso mango, weighing 200 gm, has 150 to 160 gm water and 3 to 4 gm fibre.

The ample water and fibre in the fruit ensures that the simple sugars in the fruit get absorbed in the blood slowly and the blood sugar does not spike quickly, like it does on consuming sugar, jaggery and honey and similar sugary foods and other simple carbohydrates rich foods like rava, maida, refined cornflour.

And the blood sugar is also going to spike much faster and higher after consuming potato and white rice, than a mango.

So if you are a well controlled diabetic who eats healthy, exercises regularly and takes your medication regularly, you can safely eat a mango as one of the three fruits, those you should have in day.

It will help more if the other two fruits you should be eating in a day are low in carbohydrates and calories, e.g. exotic berries like strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and mulberries.

And if you wish to play it even safer, eat half a mango in both the major meals of the day.

It will further slow down the sugar absorption into the blood stream.

But of course, you must consult your doctor about eating a mango, more so if you’re a not so well controlled a diabetic.

Also read the Latest Posts ‘Magical Health Benefits Of Fruits‘ and ‘Healthy Fruits For Diabetics And Weight Losers‘ on this website.

Slimming Center in Pune

Walking To Be Slim And Healthy!

Walking Is The Best, Easiest And Safest Form Of Exercise!

You will always hear or read that you must ‘pump iron’, ‘pump iron’ and ‘pump iron’ to get slim, fit and healthy! You will read a lot of confusing research about the benefits of pumping iron or strength training!

Strength training requires special equipment, trained instructors and regular visits to a gym. Once you join a gym, you are given a program and left to your own resources. If you want to avail of special supervision, you have to pay more and hire a personal trainer. You are also lured into buying expensive protein supplements.

The health industry is a multi-billion dollar industry worldwide. Health clubs have a major share in this market.

The financial reality of the exponential growth of the health club industry in India is an altogether separate issue and could be a matter of research. But the functional reality of health clubs is entirely different. It is all about selling memberships and earning incentives on it for the marketing youngsters, earning extra money by working as a personal trainer for the instructors and making money by selling expensive protein supplements for the management and, on the sly, for the trainers!

The social, intellectual and educational background, actual training and knowledge of the trainers in gyms in India is very questionable. And people put themselves and their bodies and health in the hands of these trainers! A large number of people are suffering from grave musculoskeletal injuries inflicted by these muscular trainers looking to make muscular men and women out of their pupils!

Forget all the rhetoric supporting strength training. The actual ground reality in India is quite different. You will never get the correct strength training that the researchers may be talking about!

The best exercise for almost everyone, of all ages, in most circumstances, is walking!

You don’t need these so called trainers, no specialized equipment, no visits to the gyms.

And it is good enough to not only to lose weight effectively but also to get optimally healthy!

All you need is proper clothes and appropriate walking shoes. And the desire and motivation to walk!

And you don’t need special training or technique to walk.

What you need to do is to begin walking!

US Government guidelines recommend 150 minutes of ‘moderate’ exercise or 75 minutes of ‘vigorous’ exercise each week. Walking 100 steps a minute constitutes moderate exercise while 130 steps a minute constitutes vigorous exercise. In terms of distance covered per hour, 4.4 km/hour constitutes moderate exercise while 5.7 km/hour constitutes vigorous exercise.

Researchers have found that most people walk at over a hundred steps per minute when asked to walk at their comfortable pace, that is they already walk at moderate pace. So taking them a step ahead at a time, to 110 steps, 120 steps and 130 steps is not very difficult.

But the intensity of exercise varies with many factors, including height, weight, age, level of fitness, state of health etc. What would be vigorous exercise for a five feet tall person would be moderate exercise for a six feet tall person.

So the best plan is to begin walking regularly at your normal, comfortable pace and time and increase pace and time as you get fitter. In fact, your speed and distance increase automatically as your fitness improves!

Here is a note of caution, when you walk at 120 or 130 steps per minute, you are likely to suffer from knee pain, if the muscles around the knees are not strong enough. That is the reason why you ought to take up knee strengthening exercises along with your walks.

If you are very unfit, even walking on the spot at home (like marching) for as little as five minutes at a time is good enough. Do it twice a day, morning and evening and add one session of five minutes both times of the day every few days, as you get fitter and stronger. Gradually build it up to thirty minutes in the morning and thirty in the evening, either at home or outside. You gather pace as you get more and more fit. And it all happens naturally, you don’t have to do it intentionally.

Your energy levels and mood improve within days, and you start enjoying walking. You look healthier and your skin starts glowing with the new found health.

If you are already walking, walk for thirty to forty-five minutes twice a day consistently, it gives you better metabolic rate than walking once day.

Some people may find it tough to do thirty minutes at one go. They may even grab sessions of ten minutes whenever time permits, like during the lunch break. The idea is to keep walking as and when time permits, but with a definite timetable to suit your work schedule.

You can also use a motorised treadmill for walking.

Walking lowers your bad, low density lipid (LDL) cholesterol, which leads to heart disease, increases your good, high density lipid (HDL) cholesterol, which helps ward off heart disease, lowers blood pressure and blood sugar, protecting you from diabetes and heart diseases.

The benefits of brisk walking are the same as that of high intensity cardiovascular exercises like running or dancing or aerobics or cycling. Plus it ensures against injuries.

In short, walking is the magical exercise that can make you slim and healthy without the fear of injuries. And you must walk even if you are slim!

Benefits of healthy food, exercise and weight loss on blood pressure and the heart health:

Exercise alone has been shown to reduce systolic blood pressure by 3.5 and 2.0 mm respectively.

The systolic blood pressure has been shown to drop by 5.5 and the diastolic blood pressure by 3.0 mm Hg in people shifting from diets rich in high fat dairy and flesh foods and low in low fat dairy and fibre rich foods to low fat dairy (milk, curds, buttermilk) and fibre rich foods viz. vegetables and fruits and pulses and legumes.

Weight loss of every four kg has been shown to reduce systolic blood pressure by 6.25 mm and diastolic blood pressure by 4 mm.

The combined effects of exercise and weight loss has been shown to reduce systolic blood pressure by 12.5 mm and diastolic blood pressure by 8 mm in overweight or obese people.

Exercise has also been shown to improve ventricular mass and wall thickness, reduce arterial stiffness and improve endothelial function.

The endothelium produces small amounts of nitric oxide which keeps the endothelium smooth and slippery, allowing the blood to flow smoothly and preventing inflammation of the endothelium and clot formation by white cells and platelets, by preventing them from attaching to it. It also relaxes the smooth muscle cells of the middle layer of the arterial wall, below the endothelium, preventing their spasms and keeping arteries open.

In simple words, exercises keep our arteries healthy and protect us from heart attacks and strokes!

Sitting is the modern day smoking:

According to Dr. James A. Levine, a Mayo Clinic physician, research has linked sitting for long periods of time with a number of health concerns, including obesity and metabolic syndrome — a cluster of conditions that includes increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels. Too much sitting also seems to increase the risk of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer.

To prevent the risk of premature death due to heart disease and some cancers, we must stop sitting long hours and make sure we move around all day and walk at least 20 minutes twice a day, more even better if we are overweight!

For more information read the article ‘Science Of Exercise’ on this website.

obesity clinic in pune

Health Problems Of The Young: Hypertension

Obesity And Hypertension Amongst Young People

In the two and half decades of my practice, I am coming across increasing number of young girls and boys getting overweight. The two illnesses that accompany weight gain in these young people are hypertension in both girls and boys and PCOD in girls and young women.We shall look at hypertension (high blood pressure) problem amongst young people in this post.

Recently a 14-year-old boy was brought to me by his parents. His blood pressure was 160/120 mm of Hg and weight was 76 kg at 5 ft 5 in height. The blood pressure was so high at his age that I advised his parents to get his colour doppler test done for renal artery stenosis (narrowing of the kidney artery). An urosurgeon losing weight with us also agreed that the test must be done. But the parents didn’t bother to do so. The boy did lose 9 or 10 kg and the blood pressure was more stable at 130/90 mm of Hg, which was still high for a youngster, at the end of three months. But then boy just stopped coming to me without any intimation. Our phone calls went unanswered. Believe me, this kind of negligence can also be fatal.

Prolonged hypertension causes inflammation in the endothelium, the inner lining, of the arterial walls damaging the arteries including those of various organs of the body.

This causes hardening and thickening of the arterial walls and the narrowing of their lumen. This is called atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis can lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Raised blood pressure causes greater resistance to the flow of the blood through the arteries and forces the heart to pump harder to circulate blood through our body, causing hypertrophy (thickening) of the heart muscle. The thickened heart muscle struggles to pump blood efficiently and eventually fails to do so, causing heart failure.

It can also lead to weakening and bulging of the arteries. This is called aneurism and such aneurisms can rupture and cause heavy internal bleeding causing grave complications, including strokes.

Thickening and narrowing and aneurysms of the arteries in kidneys or eyes can damage these organs and can lead to renal failure and loss of vision.

Hypertension also contributes to development of the metabolic syndrome that leads to development of diabetes, heart attacks and strokes.

It can also cause circulatory problems and strokes in the brain.

Normally young people with consistent hypertension must be investigated by a physician to be absolutely sure that there is no underlying cause of the condition. Most will not have one and their blood pressure will lower itself on losing weight and a little counseling of the youngster and the parents. Most will not require medication. But all precautions must be exercised.

Many such youngsters and young men and women come to join me and learn about their hypertension for the first time. This is often the case in older people too.

If your young son or daughter is overweight or obese, and especially if he or she has a big tummy, please ensure that their blood pressure is checked seriously. They must, of course, slim down as their future health is seriously compromised otherwise. If your family has a history of hypertension, diabetes and heart disease, these young people must be examined by a good physician. Please do not overlook these precautions.

This is to be remembered especially as many young people go to health clubs where they are put through heavy weight training and, in some places, mindless floor exercises. A young person, or a person of any age for that matter, with known or unknown hypertension, may suffer some serious complication when on such programs.

In reality, everyone planning to go to a gym must visit a doctor before joining, keeping it in mind that gyms do not have the skill to handle your health problems. They only provide facilities for you to use. Taking care of yourself at a gym or a health club is solely your responsibility. Most health clubs do take a written undertaking from you, absolving themselves of any responsibilities for any accident or mishap to your health.

So take good care of yourself!

Also read ‘Health Problems Of The Young: PCOD‘ on this website.